Parking in Carlisle ? Be Warned!

Just watched the lunchtime news today and they reported that Carlisle Council are drafting in additional Parking wardens to clamp down on HGV’s parking on the industrial estate instead of paying the £13.00 parking fee at the nearby truckstop.

Why? Well simply put the residents are sick to death of the mess left by driver’s parking up overnight, so the council is getting ready to start blitzing the estate with Traffic Wardens :wink:

I’m sure there will be a full report in the Carlisle Press

If theres no yellow lines then I cant see a problem. Plenty of places to park around carlisle area. … rucks.html

they are saying that there is a lack of facilities. who is responsible for those? errrrr, the council? :unamused:

If theres no yellow lines then I cant see a problem. Plenty of places to park around carlisle area.

I take it you haven’t seen the signs on all the main roads into Carlisle prohibiting vehicles over 7.5 ton from parking within the city limits 10pm-6am mon-fri and 24 hrs at the weekend. It doesn’t matter if there are yellow lines or not. They’ve got you over a barrel!

Rarely have to park up in Carlisle so haven’t noticed these signs sorry… If its an ind est I again dont see the problem as usually not many HOUSES around these areas…

Just sounds like the ■■■■■ are trying to build up their funds if they are taking that stance, as always pick on the transport industry, ■■■■■

Just sounds like the [zb] are trying to build up their funds if they are taking that stance, as always pick on the transport industry, [zb]

disagree with you jon,

look at the mess left by drivers and also openly ■■■■■■■ by their lorries as well as the fountain in the middle of the night from the cab. also they are parked right outside the truckstop on the ind est.

the conditons and quality of the truckstop i know leave a lot to be desired but fact is it’s a designated lorry park. :confused:

jessicas dad:

Just sounds like the [zb] are trying to build up their funds if they are taking that stance, as always pick on the transport industry, [zb]

disagree with you jon,

look at the mess left by drivers and also openly ■■■■■■■ by their lorries as well as the fountain in the middle of the night from the cab. also they are parked right outside the truckstop on the ind est.

the conditons and quality of the truckstop i know leave a lot to be desired but fact is it’s a designated lorry park. :confused:

sorry jd,gotta disagree with you on this one.
its only my opinion,however,i disagree.
i will not be forced to use “truckstops”,that are uk wide,sub-standard in everyway they offer their services,whether it be over-priced inedible pig swill,urine sticking parking bays,overpriced coffee,and non secure i have already explained to my gaffer,if he wants me to stay in any sevices or truckstop,he can supply me with a £320 per month advanced on monthly pay ,and simply cannot afford,after the goverment and other associations have financially raped me,to pull out an extra £320,to “safely” park his truck every month.and furthermore,im not aware,or do i care,what the insurance policy states,where i should far as im concerned,its locked,the load is secure,i aint paid to be an after hours security getting back onto point,i park at kingstown industrial estate on a regular basis(outside mcdonalds if you ever fancy a coffee),and i never see drivers littering or fact,quite the opposite,i always see them putting their litter in the bins provided,and maccy d"s is open till midnight,opens at 6 am,for toilet facilities.however,there will always be the odd socially irresponsible idiot,that tarnishes our if the residents,council,anti lorryists,care to take a stroll down that way of an evening,they will see the rubbish that has been dumped on the floor of maccy d"s carpark(which is non accesible by hgv"s),and blows out onto the outside road,as well as the wheel spinning,backward facing cap fraternity that get their tyres for free, racing (above the speed limit)up and down the industrial estate till the early hours,but i suppose that must be socially acceptable for the residents of carlisle,as long as those nasty big juggernauts dont enter the city limits.and yes,i do know that the tiny signs posted at various points around carlisle state no lorries between 8pm-6pm,why?,will carlisle burst into flames,if a juggernaut should happen to cross the line?.
the point im trying to make is that i shouldnt be subject to parking somewhere im not happy to,i should have a choice and not be discriminated against.i am after all a human being,not a criminal.


jessicas dad:

Just sounds like the [zb] are trying to build up their funds if they are taking that stance, as always pick on the transport industry, [zb]

disagree with you jon,

look at the mess left by drivers and also openly ■■■■■■■ by their lorries as well as the fountain in the middle of the night from the cab. also they are parked right outside the truckstop on the ind est.

the conditons and quality of the truckstop i know leave a lot to be desired but fact is it’s a designated lorry park. :confused:

sorry jd,gotta disagree with you on this one.
its only my opinion,however,i disagree.
i will not be forced to use “truckstops”,that are uk wide,sub-standard in everyway they offer their services,whether it be over-priced inedible pig swill,urine sticking parking bays,overpriced coffee,and non secure i have already explained to my gaffer,if he wants me to stay in any sevices or truckstop,he can supply me with a £320 per month advanced on monthly pay ,and simply cannot afford,after the goverment and other associations have financially raped me,to pull out an extra £320,to “safely” park his truck every month.and furthermore,im not aware,or do i care,what the insurance policy states,where i should far as im concerned,its locked,the load is secure,i aint paid to be an after hours security getting back onto point,i park at kingstown industrial estate on a regular basis(outside mcdonalds if you ever fancy a coffee),and i never see drivers littering or fact,quite the opposite,i always see them putting their litter in the bins provided,and maccy d"s is open till midnight,opens at 6 am,for toilet facilities.however,there will always be the odd socially irresponsible idiot,that tarnishes our if the residents,council,anti lorryists,care to take a stroll down that way of an evening,they will see the rubbish that has been dumped on the floor of maccy d"s carpark(which is non accesible by hgv"s),and blows out onto the outside road,as well as the wheel spinning,backward facing cap fraternity that get their tyres for free, racing (above the speed limit)up and down the industrial estate till the early hours,but i suppose that must be socially acceptable for the residents of carlisle,as long as those nasty big juggernauts dont enter the city limits.and yes,i do know that the tiny signs posted at various points around carlisle state no lorries between 8pm-6pm,why?,will carlisle burst into flames,if a juggernaut should happen to cross the line?.
the point im trying to make is that i shouldnt be subject to parking somewhere im not happy to,i should have a choice and not be discriminated against.i am after all a human being,not a criminal.

I thought all you “transporter” elite were paid that well, that you have all the dosh, that £320 upfront would`nt be a problem :open_mouth:

TBF, why does`nt your gaffer get a discounted account where you lot park on a regular basis ?

One of your lot “chooses” to park on the A500 in a layby, which must be like sleeping in a washing machine FFS, its not as if the layby is set back, or, in a quiet spot.

It would save a lot of hassle allround IMO

I thought all you “transporter” elite were paid that well, that you have all the dosh, that £320 upfront would`nt be a problem :open_mouth:
“another narrow minded statement from someone who hasnt got a clue about the transporter industry”

TBF, why does`nt your gaffer get a discounted account where you lot park on a regular basis ?

tbf i cannot speak for my gaffer,i suppose he"s just like most firms that are on here.

One of your lot “chooses” to park on the A500 in a layby, which must be like sleeping in a washing machine FFS, its not as if the layby is set back, or, in a quiet spot.

i"ve seen plenty of your “lot” doing exactly the same ffs,i cannot comment on a particular drivers sleeping habits
It would save a lot of hassle allround IMO
:confused: :question: