Parking Greenwich?

Coming from Manchester got 7am delivery Greenwich university. Any places to park.overnight with In about an hour’s drive .thanks

Which way you coming and what time

Down m1 onto m25 . Possibly down m11 heading to blackwall tunnel. Be near south mins 6ish. Company won’t pay so has be free ideally near food.
As say anyware within an hour of greenwich. Enfield maybe? Although l deliver there at times and is a mare to get in and out. And haven’t really seem any parking spots when been there


Lea road at Waltham cross,if you’re early enough.
Personally I’d go dunstable and crack off about half 5

Might just stop at welwyn. Least I know where to park close to shops and pub. Then am 40 miles away set off at 6.

Might just stop at welwyn. Least I know where to park close to shops and pub. Then am 40 miles away set off at 6.

I think 6 will be bit late for 7