Parking Fine at Lym Services

Just 2 minutes over the 2 hours and they want £80… :cry:

Yes mate its a real rip off they have you by the short and curlys.Anyway welcome to trucknet uk pleased to meet you and the lads on here are always ready to help if you have a problem enjoy.

regards dave

couldnt you put your ticket in the machine and pay the night rate :question:


It was in the daytime, after a week of very early starts I pulled in on Friday May 25. My plan was to have an hour break and if I could half hour sleep because I was so tired but I overslept and realising I had been there about one hour fifty minutes had a quick coffee out of my flask and made for the exit gate, my Tacho recorded a break of exactly two hours of which they now have a copy.
I have wrote a letter of complaint and sent copies to Truckstop News and RHA.

It was in the daytime, after a week of very early starts I pulled in on Friday May 25. My plan was to have an hour break and if I could half hour sleep because I was so tired but I overslept and realising I had been there about one hour fifty minutes had a quick coffee out of my flask and made for the exit gate, my Tacho recorded a break of exactly two hours of which they now have a copy.
I have wrote a letter of complaint and sent copies to Truckstop News and RHA.

You might be lucky, but I’m afraid I doubt it very much.
If you recorded a break of exactly 2 hours, then you came through the gate a minute or so before that started and drove up to the exit a minute or so after it finished. A matter of minutes only obviously, but they can and will say that their signs are clear enough.

Up to 2 hours free, after that you pay.

Sorry mate, only a few minutes over or not you were there for more than 2 hours, I doubt you’ll get it back.

what annoys me about lymm, is now they have th new system that sends you fines automatically, you never see any security…

when was the last time you see a security guard walking round■■?

so what is the £10 for?

You should have just drove out and then back in, then had your brew.


It was in the daytime, after a week of very early starts I pulled in on Friday May 25. My plan was to have an hour break and if I could half hour sleep because I was so tired but I overslept and realising I had been there about one hour fifty minutes had a quick coffee out of my flask and made for the exit gate, my Tacho recorded a break of exactly two hours of which they now have a copy.
I have wrote a letter of complaint and sent copies to Truckstop News and RHA.

You might be lucky, but I’m afraid I doubt it very much.
If you recorded a break of exactly 2 hours, then you came through the gate a minute or so before that started and drove up to the exit a minute or so after it finished. A matter of minutes only obviously, but they can and will say that their signs are clear enough.

Up to 2 hours free, after that you pay.

Sorry mate, only a few minutes over or not you were there for more than 2 hours, I doubt you’ll get it back.

I aint paid them yet, I have a friend who is a solicitor, he say’s tell them to sue…

You could invite them to take you to Small Claims Court and they might well back down, but if they don’t it might get expensive.

Not quite sure I understand why you couldn’t just pay the long-term parking rate either. It doesn’t just apply to parking at night.

Will Lym Services want all the adverse publicity that I assure you they will get ,for two minutes, when my Tacho clearly proves otherwise…

Does the tacho clearly prove otherwise though? Just looking at it with the naked eye will only give you a rough guide, look at how many drivers get an infringement for 44 minutes instead of 45 for a break for example. As Simon pointed out it may show 2 hours break but then there is the drive between the gate, the parking place and back.

I was hoping for a little support on here for there bloody mindedness but no worries guys lets just forget it…

I was hoping for a little support on here for there bloody mindedness but no worries guys lets just forget it…

So you wanted everyone to just agree with you without making suggestions on how to possibly avoid the situation next time or point out things you should consider before doing something which could end up costing you even more?

You’re right, lets just forget it.

Does the tacho clearly prove otherwise though? Just looking at it with the naked eye will only give you a rough guide, look at how many drivers get an infringement for 44 minutes instead of 45 for a break for example. As Simon pointed out it may show 2 hours break but then there is the drive between the gate, the parking place and back.

On the signs that tell you about the two hour parking it does not mention that this must include your drive to the position where you change the tacho mode and the drive from when you again change the mode and the time it takes to exit the sight. so now whos splitting hairs…/ :confused:

I was hoping for a little support on here for there bloody mindedness but no worries guys lets just forget it…

We don’t disagree that they’re bloody minded, they are. Since it stopped being the Poplar Truckstop and became Lymm Services it’s gone even more down hill.
But from what you’ve told us, I at least, don’t think you can win against them.
Supporting you by saying I think you would win, would be pretty pointless don’t you think?
As you drive in, you collect a ticket at the barrier, with the time on the ticket. As you drive out you put your ticket into another machine which reads the time and decides if you’ve exited inside the two free hours, or not. (I haven’t been in there for at least 2 years, things may well have changed since then). Surely you don’t expect them to be reasonable and allow a bit of time to allow for finding a parking space do you? At night that might take 20 minutes. We are talking about a big name MSA operator here, not a small operator who needs people to go back.

On the signs that tell you about the two hour parking it does not mention that this must include your drive to the position where you change the tacho mode and the drive from when you again change the mode and the time it takes to exit the sight. so now whos splitting hairs…/ :confused:

You’re kidding right? No one can be that daft surely? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

As far as I understand it, having never been in the place, you take a ticket at the gate which times you in and use that ticket on the way out. You don’t have to be Einstein to work out the clock starts when you take the ticket. In other words pretty much like your average multi storey car park. :wink: :smiley:

Actually, I think Smee has a point.

Parking is free for two hours

This statement goes to the heart of the contract. By the very definition of the word, parking requires a vehicle to be stationary. I would say that this overrides any small print to be found on the premises.

You have a point. But, does it say parking or does it say ‘stay’?

Also, isn’t there something which says the penalty should be in proportion to the offence? £80 for 2 minutes seems a bit out of proportion to me.

There have not been barriers on the entrance or exit for months now, your vehicle is photographed on entrance and exit… :confused:

OK. Haven’t parked there for years so didn’t know that. How about you send them a cheque for the long-term parking fee “in full and final settlement”?