Paper Tacho's Leicester area?

Does anyone know of any companies that still use the paper charts in the Leicester area?

I’ve just got all my entitlements back and I am now waiting on my digi card to have the address changed but I’d love to get back to work and earn some pennies.

I know its only another 10 days and after being unemployed for a tad under 3 years it shouldnt matter but I’m really itching to get back in the saddle.

No legal requirement to change address on a digicard

The only ones I can think of using analogue are some of the training schools !!

i would guess that thre are more companies than you think ROG, using paper tachos

i for one, still use a paper tacho, and live in Leicestershire :wink:

Anyone who has a motor older than 56 reg would stand a good chance of t being analogue x

Tipper Tom:
Anyone who has a motor older than 56 reg would stand a good chance of t being analogue x

slight correction there, Digi tacho came in on an 06 plate, the early 06 were analogue, the later 06 were digi

Walkers Crisps have some truck with 55 reg.

Thanks folks. I know there isn’t the legal requirement on the address but it had expired lol.

A quick chat with the DVLA and £19 later it’s on its way, actually it was posted out yesterday along with a replacement licence because they missed some minor categories off!!

my digi card expired on wednesday this week, i phoned DVLA on monday, the new card turned up thursday

not that i use it, i have an analogue tacho :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


Tipper Tom:
Anyone who has a motor older than 56 reg would stand a good chance of t being analogue x

slight correction there, Digi tacho came in on an 06 plate, the early 06 were analogue, the later 06 were digi

Yep, hence using 56 as a cut off because that or anything after will be digi and 06 might not be