Paper part of licence

Am i required to carry the paper part of my licence or is the plastic credit card bit sufficient…i’ve always carried both in my wallet but now the paper bit is getting a bit dog eared not to mention it bulks up the wallet a bit…

I have never carried my licence either plastic bit or paper bit.

And the coppers don’t expect you to carry it anyway, that’s what the producers are for that they issue you with.

the paper bit is getting a bit dog eared not to mention it bulks up the wallet a bit…

I wouldn`t recomend putting it in 1 of those plastic “encapsulating” sleeves, as it covers up the feel and texture of the paper, making it difficult to detect if its a forgery, that why companies dislike you doing it

if you have the 2 part licence, both parts must be present IF you are reqd to produce your licence. From experience if like me (as an agency driver) you go to a transport company and only have the plastic part of the licence, Id prolly be sent home, as the paper part would carry info such as speeding / DR and other such offences.
As a former transport office clerk, Id be suspicious that a driver would be trying to hide something if they didnt present both parts of the licence when requested to

that’s what the producers are for that they issue you with.

it is a legal requirement to carry your licence, most don`t. Thats why discretion is used and you are issued with a “producer”

I always carry both parts of mine, as its generally tucked onto my tacho wallet at the bottom of my bag

I wouldn’t carry either part of my licence as a matter of course on UK work.

There is no need to.

I would carry both parts, however, if I was going to a new place of work.

I have worked in a traffic office. Any agency driver who could only provide the card part of their licence was not allowed to drive one of our vehicles. They were sent home without pay (from us, at least) because without the paper counter-part you have no idea if the person’s licence is valid.

Apart from the odd time where you can use the card as ID, I see no benefit in having them. :confused:

it is a legal requirement to carry your licence, most don`t.

Not in this country it isn’t. Unless you can find me a bit of legislation to prove otherwise…

Am i required to carry the paper part of my licence or is the plastic credit card bit sufficient

You’re not required in law to carry either part, leave it safely at home where it isn’t going to get lost/damaged.


Unless, of course, you’re on containers, in which case you’ll need either your licence, passport, or special approved company ID to get anything out of the terminals. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never used to carry my licence until just over 2 years ago when i went for my evaluation prior to my class 1 training …I turned up for my assessment straight after work and forgot to bring my licence along with me and the instructor had a right go at me saying “your a professional driver and you should always carry your licence with you blah blah blah” (he was a bit of a nob and thankfully it was his partner who taught me who was sound as a pound)

So ever since then ive carried it but like i said earlier its looking a bit worse for wear now

Unless, of course, you’re on containers, in which case you’ll need either your licence, passport, or special approved company ID to get anything out of the terminals. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah but would you need both parts or would the plastic part suffice??

Might be trying for a job on the containers in the near future im just waitinf to find out the information on a certain company before i take the plunge

Just the plastic bit usually, although they can get arsey and want the lot. Once they get to know your face they often won’t bother asking for it at all at the smaller terminals, but it’s still best not to get caught out when faced with a jobsworth - I had that happen down at Tilbury Short Sea when I turned up with 20 minutes to spare on a shipcatcher once. It was a nailbiting 20 minutes, trust me - if we hadn’t been a Shipping Line with our own staff within the terminal I’d have been done for. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I think i’ll just keep it all together in my padded clipboard zip up folder thingy :smiley:
that way ive got it when im working and its not getting damaged in my wallet…Sorted :sunglasses:

Should’ve thought of that in the 1st place i suppose :unamused: