Palletline Starley Way

Hello, tomorow I am going to Palletline, Starley Way, Birmingham, B37. Never been there before, I have looked on street view, but it does not show palletline. Also what is the procedure there? I will be i in a Royal Mail vehicle, apparently we get express check in??

Any help thanks.

have you tried google earth. you will see that ur customer is on the right as you turn in.

where are you coming from mate it is on the a38 not far from jct 6 M6

Screfix Stoke on Trent.

You won’t miss it. You’ll probably find a queue of motors going in. If not, you’ll see plenty going in and out of the place.

It used to be the RDC for Landrover. Right at the end of Starley Way.

sorry mate i was thinking of the wrong palletline, m6, m42 south, off at A45 think its jct 4 take exit towards birmingham when on a45 take 1st junction for airport (keep in left hand lane because its only half a mile or so), right at round, next round about 1st exit, 2nd roundabout 2nd exit, starley way is on the left if i remeber rightly dhl are at the top of the road go right to the bottom to the little island and you cant miss it dont know what it is like in there though over been in there when it was nyk logisics and that was in a van so i was quick hope ive got it right this time lol