Paid via mileage is it legal

If your paid as a driver for the kilometers you do is this really legal.
i e pence per kilometer ■■?

Yes you can as long as it is’nt done in such a way that you would be encouraged to break the rules.

Do you know someone who pays like that? What’s the rate?

Yes you can as long as it is’nt done in such a way that you would be encouraged to break the rules.

How could you pay a driver by mileage and stop them being tempted to go faster than they should so they can get more miles, within EU regs time, to earn more :question: :question:
OK, it should be up to the driver not to break the rules but this is surely tempting a driver to do so :exclamation:

I agree ROG. But it’s what i read somewhere.
The same could be said for hourly rate. Work more hours, get more pay.

well thats how most of american and canadian drivers are this country i thought it werent allowed unless youve got a minimum basic aswell

no there is no basic pay just 7pence per kilometer !!!

no there is no basic pay just 7pence per kilometer !!!

7p. I hope you’r not thinking of taking the job. Or are you on the wind up?

no there is no basic pay just 7pence per kilometer !!!

doesn’t sound much - you would need a lot of km’s to earn a decent wage

500km’s ( 9 hours @ 56k ) per day would earn you only £35 - someone’s having a laugh :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

edit: change that 56k to 90k - I’m getting muddled with miles and Km’s

It’s perfectly legal provided you are not encouraged to bend the rules ie. you are closely monitored, as we are.

However, there must be a minimum guarenteed amount - for us it’s a little over £50 a day. Never earn that little though.

7ppkm is ridiculous though. Our basic mileage rate (there’s an overtime one too) is 29ppm, which works out around 18ppkm. We also get bonuses for reloading, going to certain ports, multidrop, etc etc etc and an overall gross bonus. We also get demurrage when the company do, and particularly poor days are “made up” for us. It works out to very good money for doing not a lot - whereas 7ppkm flat rate would be very little money for doing an insane amount.

if by some miracle you managed to drive a full nine hours at 56 mph you would travel 504 miles (811kms) which would give you a wage of £56.77p or an hourly rate of £6.30p :open_mouth: know what i’d be saying…

no there is no basic pay just 7pence per kilometer !!!

If you’re thinking of taking this job, then think about delays while loading/unloading, breakdowns etc. While the wheels are not turning - YOU won’t be earning.

A couple of lads I know on brick and block deliveries get a basic wage of around £350 and the the rest is made up of 7p per loaded mile, plus nights out. At least there is a basic to fall back on, and holidays are an average of their last so many weeks wages.

Thanks for all the great replys.
I wont name the company but the drivers are very happy with the way they are paid,i did give it ago But you would have to desperate to work there.
I`m not desperate so i left. It did fill a gap !!!

no there is no basic pay just 7pence per kilometer !!!

Good lawd, as much as that watch you dont get squaushed in the stampeed for an interview :open_mouth:

Frans Maas were paying that as a bonus on top of a day rate of around £40 15-20 years ago.

I think you’ll find that you must garenteed a minimum earnings rate, then any bonus can be paid. The rules which state that youmust not be paid in a manner which incourages you to break the law, arent worth the ink theyre written with, if a driver is so minded to break the law then he wont care how he’s paid, he’ll find a way to flowt it.

I’m paid a salary which exceeds any basic 40 hour week i’ve been offered on hours and overtime, and then percentage of earnings on top as a bonus.
Unlike when i’ve been on hrs & otime when the TM’s allways checking up on you, I now get left to my own devices, and wouldnt willingly change it. This is the up side of these sort of schemes, the down sides are obvious, loss time due to breakdown or wind at Felixstowe, rough with smooth as allways :wink:

hi all ,i work for a company that pays by mileage, for every 51 ks u get 1 hours pay , u get 2 hours to load , 2 hours to tip and 1, hour for washing out , u can be loaded or tipped in 45 minutes washed out in 20 , so in theory u can work 13 hours and get payed anything up to 20, if your face fits , the problem is if u dont turn a wheel u dont get a penny, i spoke to T and G man about it and he said if that was your agreement at the start of job then thats ok , but i always thought u had to have a guaranteed minimum ammount ■■?

ganges boy:
hi all ,i work for a company that pays by mileage, for every 51 ks u get 1 hours pay , u get 2 hours to load , 2 hours to tip and 1, hour for washing out , u can be loaded or tipped in 45 minutes washed out in 20 , so in theory u can work 13 hours and get payed anything up to 20, if your face fits , the problem is if u dont turn a wheel u dont get a penny, i spoke to T and G man about it and he said if that was your agreement at the start of job then thats ok , but i always thought u had to have a guaranteed minimum ammount ■■?

I’m sure your supposed to to be guarenteed a minimmum rate. but I think you need to look at how often you lose out over actual hourly paid work. How often does your weekly hours come to less than your physical hours, and knock off an hour a day for breaks.

Sometimes we think that bosses are out to shaft us with these schemes, when alot of times its a way of rewarding those who are prepared to work, whilst not getting ripped themselves by those who dont want to work. :unamused:

u not on continental express now


eddie snax:

ganges boy:
hi all ,i work for a company that pays by mileage, for every 51 ks u get 1 hours pay , u get 2 hours to load , 2 hours to tip and 1, hour for washing out , u can be loaded or tipped in 45 minutes washed out in 20 , so in theory u can work 13 hours and get payed anything up to 20, if your face fits , the problem is if u dont turn a wheel u dont get a penny, i spoke to T and G man about it and he said if that was your agreement at the start of job then thats ok , but i always thought u had to have a guaranteed minimum ammount ■■?

I’m sure your supposed to to be guarenteed a minimmum rate. but I think you need to look at how often you lose out over actual hourly paid work. How often does your weekly hours come to less than your physical hours, and knock off an hour a day for breaks.

Sometimes we think that bosses are out to shaft us with these schemes, when alot of times its a way of rewarding those who are prepared to work, whilst not getting ripped themselves by those who dont want to work. :unamused:

Couldn’t agree more. I make more money and work less hours paid mileage, and I’m not even particularly high up “the list”. It allows me to plan and run my day to suit me, and I don’t have to account for my time or how I do the job so long as what needs doing gets done. I think I’ve died and gone to hell if I have to do more than 12 hours a day with less than 11 off at night, yet I’m still making over 29 grand a year (not including nights out, which come out at another 4 grand plus)…Not bad for tramping out of the North East on boxes.

It’s a job which pays you to use your brain and work efficiently. It’s perfectly legal but rewards those who make an effort within the framework of the law. There are a few numpties at our place who can’t do the maths and have been clamouring for hourly rate. I’m in the camp that would vote against it in a heartbeat and leave if it ever came in.

I was paid 8 pence per mile for driving a transit van back in 1980.
I think if you were paid by the kilometre you would still have to be paid the minimum wage even if you had not done the kilometres.

Most of the big car carrying firms pay is based on mileage, plus car bonus and hours worked, always been that way, and yes it does make you do more and bend the rules.