Paddy 1 - VOSA 0

I posted this on a Facebook forum, but I thought I should share it on here too…

had a chuckle to myself last night… going north past J44 M6 Carlisle… I was about half a mile behind two Irish artics which were traveling together… So, they get just past the “on” slip road the other side of the junction, Mr Vosa man who had been sitting on the slip road waiting for a customer, sets off after one of them, the 2 paddies must have pre-planned the next move cos the one at the back pulls out into the middle lane, accelerates alongside his mate so that the back of his trailer is about level with his mate’s cab, and stayed like that for the next mile, Vosa man had got behind them, but it would have been very unsafe for him to pull in front of either of them, so he just gave up and pulled into the check point and drove out the other side to go back down to J44… ( the usual HGV restriction signs beside the motorway were not displayed either)

That’s great .

Dan Punchard:
That’s great .


standard practice when you get the info on the cb from a southbound coming from the boat… works well unless hes a determined git and makes his point by turning you back at the next junction,though if they do that,then your doomed bigtime seeing as to how youve made him work for his carrot.youl be getting reamed for something bigtime.always easier on a dual carrigeway,but effective :smiley:

I can’t be the only one that has held them back in the third lane when driving the car? :smiley:

I can’t be the only one that has held them back in the third lane when driving the car? :smiley:

lol thats made my day.

I can’t be the only one that has held them back in the third lane when driving the car? :smiley:

With your history what makes you think he wasn’t after you even though you were in your car! :sunglasses:


I can’t be the only one that has held them back in the third lane when driving the car? :smiley:

With your history what makes you think he wasn’t after you even though you were in your car! :sunglasses:

I can’t argue with that. :laughing:

I can’t be the only one that has held them back in the third lane when driving the car? :smiley:

That’s funny lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It’s a nice story but it is just shy of a couple of k’s from 44 to the ministry so they would have had plenty of time to get by them.

They were inviting you in coming down Beattock tonight and rest assured if you didn’t pull in they would be after you no matter how far it is back up the hill.