
To the Owens prick that overtook me at 7 05am on the A417 between the Cowley Roundabout and the Highwayman Inn this morning. Your trailer first axle was level with my cab door when you as a professional driver thought it was OK to pull into my lane. Had I not braked you would have taken my cab off. It maybe a good idea for you to try Specsavers or get a proper job, as your clearly not up to this one.

Fair point - well made…

Clearly a unprofessional driver who should not be driving a LGV.

Sounds like he had lessons off the national express driver who done the same to me last night.

To the Owens prick that overtook me at 7 05am on the A417 between the Cowley Roundabout and the Highwayman Inn this morning. Your trailer first axle was level with my cab door when you as a professional driver thought it was OK to pull into my lane. Had I not braked you would have taken my cab off. It maybe a good idea for you to try Specsavers or get a proper job, as your clearly not up to this one.

All barely 2 weeks after those 3 fatals on that road too John. There must be something in the earth around there that makes people drive like cretins. Some really retarded lorry drivers around there and not all tipper drivers… :wink:

Wait till you have them behind you on the A49 some of them are complete and utter knobs.

Or am I a knob slowing them down with others, keeping to the law ?

All of their drivers are like that. Don’t know where they get them from.

Dave the Renegade:
Clearly a unprofessional driver who should not be driving a LGV.

love the fact because someone says it happened must be true then


Dave the Renegade:
Clearly a unprofessional driver who should not be driving a LGV.

love the fact because someone says it happened must be true then

Having worked with the op I can say he say he’s no bs merchant. Unlike some of those we worked with.

All of their drivers are like that. Don’t know where they get them from.

so you personally know them all.


Dave the Renegade:
Clearly a unprofessional driver who should not be driving a LGV.

love the fact because someone says it happened must be true then

I know the driver that started this post, and if he said the Owens driver cut him up, its true !

Wait till you have them behind you on the A49 some of them are complete and utter knobs.

Or am I a knob slowing them down with others, keeping to the law ?

I am with you on this one, I am often up and down the A49 and I wont be pressured by other trucks to go faster, the rear of my truck will beat their cab in a tussle :wink:
I do however pull over if there is a big queue of cars and the like behind but if some one wants to be an ■■■ sod them :wink:

And if you are around the Swansea area and see one of their pallet network delivery drivers then the best thing you can do is park up for 15 mins or so just to keep out of their way as they normally try and force you off the road.
Probably one of the worst firms on the road for cutting you up.


Dave the Renegade:
Clearly a unprofessional driver who should not be driving a LGV.

love the fact because someone says it happened must be true then

Why do you think that someone would post this if it wasn’t true ?Obviously you must know people that are pre-fabricators of the truth or just plain bull shi**ers ,doesn’t mean to say that they all are.


All of their drivers are like that. Don’t know where they get them from.

so you personally know them all.

:unamused: You don’t have to know them all personally, you only have to know how they drive & the general view is very badly!!

All of their drivers are like that. Don’t know where they get them from.

Wales mate :wink:

tango boy:

All of their drivers are like that. Don’t know where they get them from.

Wales mate :wink:

And Shropshire plus other places where they have operating centres.

Dave the Renegade:

tango boy:

All of their drivers are like that. Don’t know where they get them from.

Wales mate :wink:

And Shropshire plus other places where they have operating centres.

Mainly Wales.

love the fact because someone says it happened must be true then
So JJ192 you’re calling me a liar, don’t class everyone the same as yourself.

If you pay peanuts! You get m@@@@@@!