
noticed lately that there seems to be a new trend to keep pace with overtaking hgvs,i had it twice today pulled out to overtake another hgv who was doing around 50mph, soon as I got beside him he suddenly found out where the accelerator was and started keeping pace with me, he only backed off when a slower moving hgv vehicle came from an entry ramp, he had no choice,then as I started going past the other vehicle he then put his foot down and again we were running side by side,if I pull onto a dual carriageway and another hgv who pulled out to let me out is struggling,i will click down a couple and let him pass,just don’t understand what is wrong with drivers nowadays,and they were not youngsters,around my age,53,the first driver glared at me as if to say why are you overtaking me.

If they don’t want to be over taken why sit at 50 ffs

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Maybe they think they own the road and how dare anybody overtake. While we on the subject of overtaking, what is it with scaffolders cutting infront with inches to spare while the poles are are overhanging 3 foot ? Dirty old scabby hiviz half wrapped round it flapping away in the wind, if they can be bothered. You get no thanks for backing off or flashing them in or sod all. Really pees me off

The job is now being done by an ever increasing percentage of ars****** who have no understanding of good manners or etiquette whilst on the road the majority of our trucks are set at 50 some are set at 56, 50 is better I don’t have to look at the back of another truck or deal with club plant pot and their 10 mile passing manoeuvres and the competitive way some alleged “drivers” behave.

Glad I dont work days.

I’ve noticed more than a few who have slowed down because they were busy texting or otherwise fiddling with their phone. By the time I get level enough to spot it they realise and speed up. I’m limited to 53 so I soon lose out, get left hanging like a chump in the middle lane and have to pull back in behind.

I’ve noticed more than a few who have slowed down because they were busy texting or otherwise fiddling with their phone. By the time I get level enough to spot it they realise and speed up. I’m limited to 53 so I soon lose out, get left hanging like a chump in the middle lane and have to pull back in behind.

I regularly do that, not because I’m on the phone, but because I’m trying to get a good score on the telematics. I usually forget to put the drive back on and only realise when other trucks start to overtake me.

I consider it good grace to let them pass and promise to pay more attention next time!

If I’m being over taken I just knock the cruise down a bit and let them pass me quickly. Costs no time at all.

Anyone notice the lane discipline too? Every night on the A1 now there are lorries veering over into the overtaking lane on the A1 and when you get level you can see the phone lit up in front of them and sometimes even up to their faces still looking at facebook, twitter or texting?
It’s getting ridiculous. Job is full of numpties now and all the ‘proper’ drivers are now retired or retiring or left the job because of how it is now and we’re left with the blokes who seem to not really want to do the job but it is an easy earner now and they can spend all night on playing with their phones and get payed for it.
I just want to get the job done and get home safe every morning now.

these type’s of thread’s crack me up… why do drivers want to be flashed in for … if you don’t know when your clear of the motor your overtaking you shouldn’t be driving you old [zb] … its sad when I see other class 1 flashing in each other… get a ■■■■■■ life and cut the ■■■■ up … as for the overtaking I do it just to ■■■■ other fellow class one’s off … ■■■■ um…

these type’s of thread’s crack me up… why do drivers want to be flashed in for … if you don’t know when your clear of the motor your overtaking you shouldn’t be driving you old c**t… its sad when I see other class 1 flashing in each other… get a [zb] life and cut the [zb] up … as for the overtaking I do it just to ■■■■ other fellow class one’s off … [zb] um…

Seriously?! Surely it’s just good manners? Been courteous & helpful to fellow drivers! It’s not demeaning your ability as a driver. :unamused:

Just popping in that to be past a vehicle is one thing to be safely past and thus giving another driver some respect and awareness that their forward visbility is about to be seriously reduced is another.
The amount of idiots who cut in too soon staggers me, you can tell these muppets who are uncomfortable with an overtake a mile off, wobbling all over the place, looking left and steering left, overtaking half a mile before their exit, indicating when they are only half way past, basically scared of traffic behind them, total winkers of the highest order.

Anyway to help those struggling with their overtakes heres some tips from a driver thats much better than you. :wink:

Right so first off understand that we all makes mistakes from time to time (although incredibly rare for me) so its an occupational hazard to misjudge an overtake, spot it early doors back off indicate and pull in behind. Dont make a drama out of a non event, although chuntering to oneself and imagining wearing their skin whilst force feeding them their own children is quite normal.
Yes other drivers can do this on purpose, I did it to one of Turners once he went a nice shade of purple, I let him past in the end though with a cheery flash in as he tried and failed to take my nose off.

Ok so to avoid these situations dont drive on the limiter, give yourself something in hand, 2mph is my prefered cushion.

Next ask yourself is it really worth it, is 1mph slower really an issue, if it is then as you have 2mph in hand a 3mph overtake is acceptable, just.

Use the gradients, are you heavy, is the target vehicle heavier, how heavy is traffic, are you going to cause a bottleneck that will just be in your way laiter on.

Have they just pulled on and are getting up to cruising speed. Wait a bit for them to finish pouring a cuppa, adjusting their nutsack or sending a tweet.

Avoid trying to overtake an accelerating vehicle, sure you may have more power but do you have more top end.

In the end one must drive within their limits or occasions of sheer muppetry are going to be common place, take the stress out the job and create space when other drivers are up each others chuff for the sake of a second or two, ok maybe a minute. Enjoy the drive and arrive alive.

Bang on Dipper, possible the most sensible thing you’ve ever said! :open_mouth:

I’m often the full 44t and while we have some trucks that do 54-55, we also have trucks that max out at 50. So no matter what I’m driving, I just accept it’s not worth the effort and drive them all at 50… Yes I can often overtake when in the faster trucks, but as they are all only 460’s, I look like a right pleb on the hills! :laughing:

these type’s of thread’s crack me up… why do drivers want to be flashed in for … if you don’t know when your clear of the motor your overtaking you shouldn’t be driving you old c**t… its sad when I see other class 1 flashing in each other… get a [zb] life and cut the [zb] up … as for the overtaking I do it just to ■■■■ other fellow class one’s off … [zb] um…

I don’t want to cut others up though, I don’t like it done to me and I try not to do it to others. When I pass I like to give the other driver a bit of space and not left where he is effectively tailgating me, so when someone flashes me back in I then know they are comfortable with that space.

Most of my driving is done in the daytime…but the last week I’ve done a bit of late night/early AM driving and I’ve noticed my fellow red eye warriors are generally a much more chilled bunch. Probably as there is less traffic to worry about. But to me, the night shifters appear more courteous.

Changing subject slightly, there are some real ■■■■ car drivers out there…the type that sit at at 54 mph in the inside lane, speed up and slow down through the roadworks, chuck out the anchors and cut you up risking death and serious injury just to make the exit for McDougals…

Night shifters, night drivers are deffo more chilled out, well mannered.

Im glad when i overtake a truck or get overtaken, or atleast see one. So i let them know it by being courteous and flashing them in. :wink:

Nothing worse then the 26 between calais and reims at 3 in the morning. Not seeing any other vehicles for 3 hours will send anyone to sleep.

Re the 26 between Calais and Reims i can certainly relate to that, the road just goes on forever (so it seems) with little difference in scenery for km after km…

I can max at 100kph so overtaking even at max weight which i always am isnt too much of an issue but cruising along at 95kmh and someones struggling to get past i always back off a couple of clicks on the cruise…no point i ncausing a jam especially if youve time to spare…

these type’s of thread’s crack me up… why do drivers want to be flashed in for … if you don’t know when your clear of the motor your overtaking you shouldn’t be driving you old [zb] … its sad when I see other class 1 flashing in each other… get a [zb] life and cut the [zb] up … as for the overtaking I do it just to ■■■■ other fellow class one’s off … [zb] um…

Obviously a vip (very ignorant person)

Bluey Circles:

these type’s of thread’s crack me up… why do drivers want to be flashed in for … if you don’t know when your clear of the motor your overtaking you shouldn’t be driving you old [zb] … its sad when I see other class 1 flashing in each other… get a [zb] life and cut the [zb] up … as for the overtaking I do it just to ■■■■ other fellow class one’s off … [zb] um…

I don’t want to cut others up though, I don’t like it done to me and I try not to do it to others. When I pass I like to give the other driver a bit of space and not left where he is effectively tailgating me, so when someone flashes me back in I then know they are comfortable with that space.

no good explaining to gsijay,he’s obviously not a very good driver,he has said as much in his reply


Bluey Circles:

these type’s of thread’s crack me up… why do drivers want to be flashed in for … if you don’t know when your clear of the motor your overtaking you shouldn’t be driving you old [zb] … its sad when I see other class 1 flashing in each other… get a [zb] life and cut the [zb] up … as for the overtaking I do it just to ■■■■ other fellow class one’s off … [zb] um…

I don’t want to cut others up though, I don’t like it done to me and I try not to do it to others. When I pass I like to give the other driver a bit of space and not left where he is effectively tailgating me, so when someone flashes me back in I then know they are comfortable with that space.

no good explaining to gsijay,he’s obviously not a very good driver,he has said as much in his reply

I thought he said he was a prick! :open_mouth:

these type’s of thread’s crack me up… why do drivers want to be flashed in for … if you don’t know when your clear of the motor your overtaking you shouldn’t be driving you old [zb] … its sad when I see other class 1 flashing in each other… get a [zb] life and cut the [zb] up … as for the overtaking I do it just to ■■■■ other fellow class one’s off … [zb] um…

A lot are (evidently :unamused: ) too stupid to realise that it has not got as much to do with knowing when you are clear, (of course most good drivers know when they are clear ffs) it is more to do with knowing that the driver you are overtaking is comfortable with the space you leave, also it stops (or should) less proficient drivers cutting in on you.
It is what you call ‘consideration to other road users’ mate, it’s what good drivers do, but I reckon by the immature tone of your post, and the account of how you drive, that won’t apply to you. :wink:

Note to self…Why tf am I feeding trolls. :unamused: :smiley: