Do car drivers have a set quota of how many vehicles they can overtake a day or is it a case of looking as far as the end of their bonnet.
For example, I am in a queue of various vehicles with at least 5+ in front of me doing the same speed as me, a car overtakes me but has a clear road to overtake more vehicles but decides to pull in front of me and is happy to then continue for the next 20 miles at the same speed they were doing behind me as they are doing in front.
Had this on the A470 the other day. He passed me and sat there then before Rhayader I passed him and the two in front of him that he just sat behind. Didn’t see any of them again.
Strange people…
I do a fair few miles on motorways and dual carriageways commuting to and from work, something that always seems to happen is somebody comes screaming past me and other traffic and then a little while later I’m overtaking them, despite not changing the speed I’m driving at?
Have you noticed when two trucks are overtaking on a motorway that cars will sit on the ■■■ end of the truck in lane two for miles and the third lane is empty and they dont use it to get passed.
I do a fair few miles on motorways and dual carriageways commuting to and from work, something that always seems to happen is somebody comes screaming past me and other traffic and then a little while later I’m overtaking them, despite not changing the speed I’m driving at?
Always desperate to get past, then slow down. Never understood that one.
Have you noticed when two trucks are overtaking on a motorway that cars will sit on the ■■■ end of the truck in lane two for miles and the third lane is empty and they dont use it to get passed.
This has become much more common in the last few years, no idea why. I like to imagine them seething behind me whilst wishing they had the courage to use lane 3 or 4. Maybe it’s because of all these stupid shows like Police Camera Action. The one I really don’t get is when people come tearing past on a 40MPH dual carriageway doing 55-60, then slow down to 45, then when it becomes unrestricted refuse to go any faster. I always end up overtaking at 50 and causing a queue.
Like I care.
Have you noticed when two trucks are overtaking on a motorway that cars will sit on the ■■■ end of the truck in lane two for miles and the third lane is empty and they dont use it to get passed.
I admit to being guilty of this on occassions.
Usually happens when listening to something on the radio and going into “automatic pilot mode”.
Eventually I realise I’m not in the truck, not limited to 56 and can use the outside lane.
Same happens with my speed a lot of times, I will happily cruise along with the trucks at 56.
Do car drivers have a set quota of how many vehicles they can overtake a day or is it a case of looking as far as the end of their bonnet.
For example, I am in a queue of various vehicles with at least 5+ in front of me doing the same speed as me, a car overtakes me but has a clear road to overtake more vehicles but decides to pull in front of me and is happy to then continue for the next 20 miles at the same speed they were doing behind me as they are doing in front.
It’s a PITA thats for sure, but I sort of see why they do it.
1- they see a lorry and immediately think “that lorry is going to hold me up I must get past it at all costs” regardless of what speed you are doing. I get the same in town on a push bike. I’m matching the cars speed, but they assume cos im on a bike I will hold them up and do anything to get in front often cutting me up and passing inches away.
2- It’s about visibility. You can see further ahead with just cars in front, but you can’t see much ahead with a lorry or van in front.
Got to admit if I’m going through roadworks I don’t like being stuck behind another lorry as it means I have to leave a large gap to be safe and then a car will pull in to that gap meaning I’ve got to back off again and again etc.