Overtaking ban

Whilst driving through Switzerland and Italy I noted overtaking bans for vehicles over a certain weight. Does this apply to trucks only or coaches as well?

I also noticed Italian coaches using lane 3 around Milan. Is this allowed?

Not as far as I know, thers no restriction on coaches overtaking, but its 5yrs since I was last out there. As for the milan ring road I aint got a clue mate, soz. :confused: :question:

Depends on the sign. If it is just the red truck overtaking the black car sign then it is just trucks, there may be a weight sign underneath the round one indicating the weight at which it starts to apply, 7.5 or 4 tonnes are the most common ones.
Often under the sign will be another one and this can have a picture of a truck, a coach and a car pulling a trailer, In that case it does apply to coaches and caravanners as well. Sometimes it is just a picture of a truck and a car towing a trailer and coaches can overtake then.

Not sure on the coach in the third lane thing but you do see them out there a lot over here so I’m guessing it is allowed.

Whilst driving through Switzerland and Italy I noted overtaking bans for vehicles over a certain weight. Does this apply to trucks only or coaches as well?

I also noticed Italian coaches using lane 3 around Milan. Is this allowed?

Are there rules of engagement in milan? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I`ve seen the mad milanese make five lanes out of three on the tangenziale :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink:


Whilst driving through Switzerland and Italy I noted overtaking bans for vehicles over a certain weight. Does this apply to trucks only or coaches as well?

I also noticed Italian coaches using lane 3 around Milan. Is this allowed?

Are there rules of engagement in milan? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I`ve seen the mad milanese make five lanes out of three on the tangenziale :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink:

I think you just have to prey on that road, should be better when the road works are done though.

Rules in Milan?? :open_mouth:
There are none!
You just shut your eyes and go for it! :laughing:

you forgot themost important rule for the milan ring road, do not get caught out by those nice people with the blue lights on top of there cars,