Overtaken by a ? ??

Taking photos while being overtaken?

Taking photos while being overtaken?

I wondered how long it would take for someone to mention that…hands free mate :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

sounds like Tescos Irish division…

Seen a Morrisons truck near Charnock Richard the other week and it was shifting, i drive an irish truck and rare for anything to overtake me, and i was crawling past this Morrisions truck, thought it was maybe a subbie pulling the trailer but was proper Morrisons truck and a guy with Morrisons shirt and tie on.

Is there not quite a few white Tesco Axors with Stobarts written on them, maybe why some are going faster, i thought most of the Tesco Axors where limited to 52mph.

defo not kenny. The trucks are limited as normal. Its the cruise control or the driver that sits at a lower speed. Thats daf or merc. I wont get on the limiter tonight. They asked me to do shunting. Its gonna be a long night :frowning:

I got passed by an Iceland FM12 on the A2 today, which was very surprising :open_mouth:

Dont believe it, monday 11/08 & what happens…overtaken by yet another tescos truck, plain white axor this time. What the hell is goin on■■?

sounds like Tescos Irish division…

Nah, they’re slow as ■■■■ too. :wink: