Overloaded on the nearside?

I think they put one to many sacks on the n/side of this wagon- (strapped it well though)


Obviously paid by the bag!

Would you have passed it on the nearside on your moped?

Would you have passed it on the nearside on your moped?

Only if I had a death wish!

At least the guy managed to land it very neatly at the side of the road.

If that was his actual drop (excuse the pun!) then he deserves extra bonus points!

Looked like he wanted to turn right as his indicator was on.

How did they manage to load it in the first place?

They were loving it on the bus!!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

barney o shamrock his irish cousin crossing the border near Dundalk the other week,the big question is,did he make it past newry roundabout,?.. :slight_smile:

Anyone notice the guy climbing up the side of the stack as it tips over?

Anyone notice the guy climbing up the side of the stack as it tips over?

I think he was riding on top of the load at the front and was just scrabbling when it went over.