Out of touch or what?


Essentials or presents?

What a total scaremonger.

Isn’t this the same guy who spoke to Sky News the other day to suggest night time driving tests as drivers drive during the night?

This guy epitomises everything that is wrong with the industry, the rank and file have simply voted with their feet and walked away.

A problem of their own making and now they appeal to absolutely anyone who will listen to fix it.

Surely the Public don’t get to choose what transport firms put on the backs of their trucks?

Here we go again “Xmas under threat” :unamused: No, just the annual retail-industry money-fest.

What are the rates he pays his drivers?

What are the rates he pays his drivers?

I found it very hard to find this out.
No hourly rate in there job adverts and often ‘potenital earnings’ in there job adverts. Both warning signs to me of a company that pays peanuts. If the pay was good they would advertise it.

He was on LBC doing aload of fear mongering as well. Apparently he is hitting the right narrative the media want us to believe.