Our driving style

Hi all,

How do you drive a lorry in order to respect the steering wheel on our not so fine quality roads? I mean that when you keep wheels straight, the steering wheel is set to the left (or maybe to the right - I do not meet it, anyway) of some angle. You know what I mean?

know what I mean?

Er no . :confused:

You need to stay off the drugs matey.

Hi all,

How do you drive a lorry in order to respect the steering wheel on our not so fine quality roads? I mean that when you keep wheels straight, the steering wheel is set to the left (or maybe to the right - I do not meet it, anyway) of some angle. You know what I mean?

No but am going to guess that you mean because of the road camber you have to keep a slight right pull on the wheel ?

Or due to potholes the steering tracking is of kilter. So when road wheels are straight the steering wheel is not set central as it should be. Very annoying that is :frowning:

Or due to potholes the steering tracking is of kilter. So when road wheels are straight the steering wheel is not set central as it should be. Very annoying that is :frowning:

That is what I mean.

Or due to potholes the steering tracking is of kilter. So when road wheels are straight the steering wheel is not set central as it should be. Very annoying that is :frowning:

Most of our s are like that it can be annoying

I keep my feet on the dash, go 60 in a 30 and watch a dvd so that I don’t get tired

bald bloke:

know what I mean?

Er no . :confused:

Just found the right topic. My actually question is - are we (drivers) able to prevent this or because of condition of roads we drive on - it has to happen?


bald bloke:

know what I mean?

Er no . :confused:

Misaligned steering wheel - THE UK PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

Just found the right topic. My actually question is - are we (drivers) able to prevent this or because of condition of roads we drive on - it has to happen?

If we don’t bang the lorry up and down kerbs and hit every pot hole on the planet at warp speed there’s no reason why the tracking should go out of true.

Unfortunately some pilot their steed’s like they are in a war zone being chased by two hilux’s chock full of armed terrorists/freedom fighters intent on murder.

edit…prime example, A43 N/B about 2 miles north of the Esso garage after Cherwell Valley services, there’s a bloody great dip in the road which if you hit it knocks hell out of the lorry, i manage to straddle the bugger and miss it, but nearly every other lorry travelling up there (they can’t all be virgins on their first trip) drop straight in the thing and the whole lorry bounces for about 100 yds, another one near Peterboro hospital A47 W/B, inside lane, sometimes you can’t miss it due to overtaking traffic, if you do hit it the contents of all your cubbies will join you in the cabin, yet even when the road is quiet you see lorry after lorry bouncing in the thing…WHY?

Its professional pride or lack of it, same as you see wheel attendants splash in every puddle in town regardless of who’s around, the lorry driver tries his damndest not to soak any poor blighter on the path.

I just want to get done as quick as I can ,so there’s no mechanical sympathy from me ,I just rag the ■■■ off of it ,