
Hi all.

I’m a reasonably regular visitor on here reading various threads etc but I rarely start a thread, however something happened today that I thought I’d ask your opinions on.

I’ll keep it as brief as possible.

I was in a fully laden (With paint) articulated tractor/trailer travelling North on the M6 / M74, I was in the inside lane and begining the upward climb of one of the many peaks and troughs along the way and a wagon and drag belonging to a well known national haulier came alongside and managed to get just about 2/3 rds past me before running out of steam.

I continued at my steady speed in the inside lane and after a short while went back in front of the wagon and drag, as I did this the driver blasted his horn and in between making rude gestures, started waving his fists about and appeared to be offering to ask me to pull over and indulge him in a bout of fisticuffs.

I was a little puzzled by this reaction as it seemed to me that I had done nothing wrong as I had not caused him to slow down or take any other action and we had both been able to continue up the hill at the maximum we could and all he had to do was drop in behind me, continue as normal and await another passing oportunity.

Had the roles been reversed I would have had absolutely no problem with what I had done and would have, as mentioned have simply dropped in behind.

I’m not asking anyone to agree with me and would just like your opinions / what you think about what I’ve described.

Regards, The Soulman.

I think the wag and drag driver is an idiot and has anger issues. Nothing wrong with what you had done.

I wouldn’t worry about it. Not your fault if his wagon hadn’t got the power to overtake. He wasn’t on an A road where he was likely to cause an accident, just a bit of frustration on his part I expect. :laughing:

I’m sure there will be a few schools of thought on this:

  1. Ease off and let him in to avoid elephant racing and then overtake if safe to do so and then begin the whole scenario again later on.

  2. Just crack on you can’t be expected to drive two vehicles, the other driver made a judgment mistake and compounded this by improper use of the horn thus emphasing his lack of judgement.

Me I would probably do ‘1’ as he was 2/3rds past you where lucky he didn’t just swerve in front.

Every situations different and there was a time a mutual understanding would see one driver help another out, this would be paid forward at a future date no doubt, this era has gone now though apart from when two professional drivers get together and this tyoe of ituation becomes a none event and certainly not worth a post on an internet forum. :wink:

If a faster lorry goes for the overtake I always drop a couple of clicks on the cruise control and let them go it costs me seconds and saves leaving them hanging around in lane 2. However if I was going up hill and struggling myself I leave them to it,y truck struggles as it is so it’s foot to the floor and if someone’s hanging next to me so be it.

Had the self same thing done to me on many occasion`s and can never ever see what makes people behave in this fashion , I have often wondered if the person behind the wheel has a very large inferiority complex and has to win and be the lead at all costs , or a visit to their GP to have their medication checked , or is it they have been at the glue .

In that situation which happens to all of us almost daily I usually ease off and just don’t bother to flash him in,not flashing him in is my way of letting
him know I think he’s a prat but probably the passing rig couldn’t give a toss. Must admit, most I see on the road driving rigs today I wouldn’t employ,
they do seem to have mental issues.

You did nothing wrong…so he was trying to kick off on you because he wasn’t competent enough to know the capabilities of his own truck?


I’m sure there will be a few schools of thought on this:

  1. Ease off and let him in to avoid elephant racing and then overtake if safe to do so and then begin the whole scenario again later on.

  2. Just crack on you can’t be expected to drive two vehicles, the other driver made a judgment mistake and compounded this by improper use of the horn thus emphasing his lack of judgement.

Me I would probably do ‘1’ as he was 2/3rds past you where lucky he didn’t just swerve in front.

Every situations different and there was a time a mutual understanding would see one driver help another out, this would be paid forward at a future date no doubt, this era has gone now though apart from when two professional drivers get together and this tyoe of ituation becomes a none event and certainly not worth a post on an internet forum. :wink:

Thanks for your thoughts, Dipper Dave.

Although I would NEVER EVER think of just swerving in on someone (Car or wagon) in a similar circumstance / if I had misjudged a situation, although had he been irresponsible / reckless enough to do just that, he’d have been caught on my trusty HD dashcam, witch, funnily enough, I bought as an impartial witness to protect me against all the brain dead / witless car drivers out there !!!

If a faster lorry goes for the overtake I always drop a couple of clicks on the cruise control and let them go it costs me seconds and saves leaving them hanging around in lane 2. However if I was going up hill and struggling myself I leave them to it,y truck struggles as it is so it’s foot to the floor and if someone’s hanging next to me so be it.

Exactly as it was.

Always happy to ease of on flat road to let someone to get past quicker.
As mentioned before I wouldn’t drop my speed on uphill. If he misjudged his power nae my problem!
Not much experience under my belt but I can judge how my unit behaves with 10, 15 or 25t load on uphills.

The Soulman:
I’m not asking anyone to agree with me and would just like your opinions / what you think about what I’ve described.

Regards, The Soulman.

You should have slowed down and let him get into Lane One in front of you.
That’s not the law. That’s common courtesy.

Instead, you hung him out to dry in Lane Two and delayed every other trucker behind him in Lane Two. You also ridiculed and humiliated the poor man and you caused huge congestion to develope into a very dangerous close quarters situation.
That’s bad driving.

You did nothing wrong…so he was trying to kick off on you because he wasn’t competent enough to know the capabilities of his own truck?


He came alongside again (And passed) a little further along and continued to wave his arms around / make visual threats.

I am at the age now where I need to be really annoyed to react.

I let this guy know (With my own hand signals) what I thought.

The Soulman:
Although I would NEVER EVER think of just swerving in on someone (Car or wagon) in a similar circumstance / if I had misjudged a situation, although had he been irresponsible / reckless enough to do just that, he’d have been caught on my trusty HD dashcam, witch, funnily enough, I bought as an impartial witness to protect me against all the brain dead / witless car drivers out there !!!

Spot on, I hope I don’t come across that I have never been in this situation, I have, both as the over taker (in which case I realise i’ve dropped a bollock and pull in behind without even a whimper) or the overtaken in which i let them past then watch them try the same thing further up the road with someone who might not be as accomodating. :slight_smile:

There isn’t really a right or wrong answer (apart from any pedants who spout we gave way to the right in the UK). Every situation is different and its all about making progress as safely and as responsibly as possible.

There are a few who when 2/3rds past would try and bully their way in front… usually small men who when confronted tend to poop themselves (so I’m told)…

However if I was going up hill and struggling myself I leave them to it,y truck struggles as it is so it’s foot to the floor and if someone’s hanging next to me so be it.

Agreed, I do the same. Although I am polite, I do acknowledge the other driver as we pass :exclamation:

If I see someone gesticulating at me in an irrate fashion. I find that blowing them a kiss winds them up even more :stuck_out_tongue:


The Soulman:
Although I would NEVER EVER think of just swerving in on someone (Car or wagon) in a similar circumstance / if I had misjudged a situation, although had he been irresponsible / reckless enough to do just that, he’d have been caught on my trusty HD dashcam, witch, funnily enough, I bought as an impartial witness to protect me against all the brain dead / witless car drivers out there !!!

Spot on, I hope I don’t come across that I have never been in this situation, I have, both as the over taker (in which case I realise i’ve dropped a bollock and pull in behind without even a whimper) or the overtaken in which i let them past then watch them try the same thing further up the road with someone who might not be as accomodating. :slight_smile:

There isn’t really a right or wrong answer (apart from any pedants who spout we gave way to the right in the UK). Every situation is different and its all about making progress as safely and as responsibly as possible.

There are a few who when 2/3rds past would try and bully their way in front… usually small men who when confronted tend to poop themselves (so I’m told)…

Ok Dave, my thoughts exactly.

I would never indulge the guy I encountered today by pulling in to fight him on the hard shoulder !!!

HOWEVER, I would have loved to have bumped into this guy on the services, believe me I’d have been asking him to step up to the plate.


The Soulman:
I’m not asking anyone to agree with me and would just like your opinions / what you think about what I’ve described.

Regards, The Soulman.

You should have slowed down and let him get into Lane One in front of you.
That’s not the law. That’s common courtesy.

Instead, you hung him out to dry in Lane Two and delayed every other trucker behind him in Lane Two. You also ridiculed and humiliated the poor man and you caused huge congestion to develope into a very dangerous close quarters situation.
That’s bad driving.

There were no other truckers in lane Two.

I was back in front of him within a minute.

How exactly did I ridicule and humiliate him ?

IMO Nothing wrong with what you did , the other chap over estimated the capabilities of his vehicle and should have slunk back in behind you very quietly and without any fuss or bother , :astonished:

Keep your foot on the gas. He can make his own mind up if he thinks he’s going to get past you or not. There’s another lane on a motorway for anyone to get past, nothing urgent he has to pull back into lane one for.