operators Licence ???

Hi all, looking for some info !!! I am an Franchisee with a ready mix company with my owne O licence , doing evey thing the rite way , to the book of VOSA… amen…lol… Well my question is , is it leagle to operate on another operators O/L ■■? Reason I ask we had a new franchisee start last sumer & he is running on the company O/L & another guy is starting next month & is going to run on the guy he is buying the truck off O/L.
I am sure this is completely illegal but I can not find it in plain black & white on any VOSA site or any where else. Thanks all fire away !!! Bert… :confused:

Hi, no it’s not legal to do this, you can’t ‘rent’ space on an o licence. The implications of doing this are huge, there was a Kent based haulier who went down this path and had 5 owner drivers running on their licence; they were not only given a fine extending into the tens of thousands but also had his own o licence reduced from 35 vehicles to 10 vehicles.
I encourage anyone to give it a go, and I know that it is time consuming and hard work trying to please VOSA but if you do it right you have nothing to worry about.

3 Feathers Haulage

Hi This is what I thought. Is there any where on the VOSA web site which states this ■■?

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The Vehicle Operator and Services Agency offers a number of search facilities within the Operator Licensing Self-Service system. Those currently available are listed below.

Please note that the search facility on the Operator Search and the Publication Search is currently only suitable for those looking for a particular operator, or operators in a very specific locality. It is not meant to be a facility for providing access to the whole of the database of licence holders.

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2012 Press Releases

24-02-12 VOSA fee changes
Revised fees for annual lorry and bus testing and operator licensing will come into effect on Sunday 1 April 2012.

08-12-11 VOSA marks opening of 150th ATF
Today marks the opening of the 150th Authorised Testing Facility (ATF) at Brownhills-based Gulliver’s Truck Hire Ltd which will offer open access vehicle testing of trailers, heavy goods and public service vehicles five days a week.

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thanks for the info but not what I am looking for, just want to know in black & white is it legal to operate on somebody elses O licences ■■ just want to see it in black & white !!! dont think it fare that some one can just rock up be given a truck & carry on .no qualifications (cpc) no money too maintain the truck , ie the £8100 which vosa want you to have. I just think why bother when vosa don’t seem to worrie about it unless you are unlucky enough to ge stopped on the road side for a rear light out…

thanks for the info but not what I am looking for, just want to know in black & white is it legal to operate on somebody elses O licences ■■ just want to see it in black & white !!! dont think it fare that some one can just rock up be given a truck & carry on .no qualifications (cpc) no money too maintain the truck , ie the £8100 which vosa want you to have. I just think why bother when vosa don’t seem to worrie about it unless you are unlucky enough to ge stopped on the road side for a rear light out…

NO, it is illegal to operate on someone else’s O Licence, but, i CBA to search for the relevant info for you

oh, and it is £7700 now :wink:

It was £8100 last may … :imp:

changed this year :wink:


You will need an
operator’s licence even if you
use a vehicle for one day on a
one-off hire.
The operator’s licence should be applied
for in the name of the person, company or
partnership that is the ‘user’ of the vehicle.
You will be considered to be the user of the
vehicle if:

you are the driver and owner of the
vehicle; or
it is in your lawful possession under an
agreement for hire, hire purchase or loan; or
the driver is your employee or agent (i.e.
you pay them to drive the vehicle for you).

Do I need an O licence?

View our O licence decision tree
You need an O licence to operate vehicles above 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight (gvw) that are used to carry goods (ie anything not permanently attached to the vehicle) on public roads for trade or business purposes. This includes short-term rental vehicles hired for as little as one day.

The O licence must be held by the person — whether an individual or a company — who ‘uses’ the vehicle and this may or may not be the owner of the vehicle. The user of the vehicle can be:
-the driver, if they own it or if they are leasing, buying on hire purchase terms, hiring or borrowing the vehicle (eg a typical owner-driver operation)
-the person whose servant or agent the driver is — ie whoever employs or controls the driver

This covers both ‘own account’ and ‘hire or reward’ operations. Still unsure? Take a look at our O licence decision tree.

Additionally, under O licence legislation all holders of standard National Operator Licences must be professionally competent, or employ someone who is professionally competent. The most popular method of demonstrating this is to hold a National Certificate of Professional Competence.

this comes from an fta bulletin