Operators CPC mock multi choice exam papers

Hi all

I’m hoping that you might be able to help me and point me in the right direction!!!

I’m looking to try and find some mock multi choice exam papers, I’ve managed to find one paper but I’m looking for a few more to work through.

Thanks in anticipation

go on the ocr web site and fing the links for the past exams, you can download and print off all the old exams - sorry if thats not a huge help, it was a while ago when i did it :slight_smile:
give this a whirl - there are more, its just finding them

ocr.org.uk/qualifications/vo … 012-05669/

there is only one set of multiple choice questions there.

let me have your address,i have loads from when i did the course last year.i’ll post them onto you.


Hi all

Thanks for all the replies


there is only one set of multiple choice questions there.

yeah i know - i did it in a rush, there is a page that you can get onto and download every exam there has been in the last five years (or something like that), its just finding it - thats what i used for my international.

ge with all the case studies for the past 6 years,look ‘assessment material’ for some multiple choice questions & also ‘units’

ocr.org.uk/qualifications/vo … gers-5592/

I am doing the CPC exams on the 1st of March 2013(second time), I have all the previous exam papers from OCR site but they do not give the answers only the checkers briefs. Does anyone happen to be doing this course and have the example answers so I can check I am getting the correct answers and to help with the case file for examples to look at. Thanks

I am doing the CPC exams on the 1st of March 2013(second time), I have all the previous exam papers from OCR site but they do not give the answers only the checkers briefs. Does anyone happen to be doing this course and have the example answers so I can check I am getting the correct answers and to help with the case file for examples to look at. Thanks

the best way to learn the answers is to look them up in your big book :wink: i did both my national and international the home study way and passed them both first time, trauled through the big book from cover to cover, then just sat and did mock exams and looked up all of the answers, its the best way to actually take in what you are supposed to be learning in my opinion :slight_smile: