Operator CPC

Has anyone done this operator CPC course? As the law is supposed to be tightening up and it is saying that the CPC holder will have to be in full time employment. Is this true? . I know its a lot of work, but i want to know what it involves.

I have just done it, I took the exams on Friday.

It is hard work. It’s a level 3 RSA exam which is equivalent to an A level, and you have 6 days to do it in (although you can do it home-study)

There is some discussion here among people who have just taken the December course.


The main difference from next year is that you cannot take the National CPC only, there is an entirely new syllabus and you have to take a combined National and International exam.

As the law is supposed to be tightening up and it is saying that the CPC holder will have to be in full time employment. Is this true? .

The law is tightening up but still does not exclude you using an “external” CPC holder if there isn’t a full time qualified employee.
It limits a CPC holder to working “externally” for no more than four licence holders with a total of no more than fifty vehicles between them.
I guess its aim is to get rid of CPC holders who act for numerous small hauliers but probably don’t do much more than collect the fee.
