Would like to ask the lads and maybe lasses on here who know which is the best way to do the owner/operator CPC in their opinion. I know they both have advantages and disadvantages I.e home study you can do it at your own pace as and when you feel like it but you probably won’t get the help and advice you may get if you did the course.
However where being on a course is good in that way you will have to take a week or more of your holidays to do it. I have had the home study pack for about 18 month now but I can never find the time to do what I want on it and after a long day at work it’s the last thing I want to do sometimes.
Do some people find that doing little bits every night is the best way to do it so you keep on top of it and don’t get bored? How much is it to do the course roughly and who would you recommend? Also I guess it’s nothing like the drivers CPC where you get the drivers who like the sound of their own voice and keep interrupting making a session last 2 hours more than it should.
I’m moving more towards using my home study as a sort of way of preparing myself ready to do a course i think. Does anyone know roughly what the pass rate is by doing it both ways? I understand this could be hard to find out. I appreciate all replys good and bad!
Do fast track intensive course, its what it says on the tin.
Some like the likes of Friendberry have a high passing rate.
Remember they dont want to know what the real life is, they want to know whats in the books.
And yes you have these cowboys who continusely want to hear their voice and tell, oh we dont do it like that, we do it already 20 year such and such.
Ignore, with knowing better is not going to help you, these guys mostly also tell you proudly that they are the 3rd time there
Not cheap but fast and furious, cost you a couple of holidays, but if you follow the lessons and you fail, they use to pay for resitting the exam ( or for a refresher, not sure, its a while ago)
Hoe study asks for a lot of dedication, and really, is that what you want to do with your weekend?
Sounds like you need to pull your finger out.
A little bit on your work days maybe when you take your 45 min break? and some at home maybe 2 half hours.
Then 2 good days of studying on your days off.
I did the home study pack way, passed in 3 months. Get stuck in and have a go! At worst you will fail and need to take it again!
Imho…home study doesn’t work well for many people. It is of course the cheaper option but if you can afford the block course I would recommend that route. I did mine with Doncaster GTA at Armthorpe. 2 weeks block course prior to exam day @ £800 all in. This includes all materials, exam fees, lunch etc. No vat is charged as they have charitable status.
As for distractions they weren’t a problem as all delegates were focused on passing. Plus you know you are gonna be in class 9-5 for 10 days…so you can’t be put off by kids/DIY/TV etc.
They run 4 courses per year & they also offer home study with no support @£250.
Check their website doncastergta.co.uk
Or phone 01302 832831. Cheapest & best around.
Intensive course every time ,it’s ok doing home study to learn the facts but the way things are done and formulas ect really need learning with someone explaining in the class room ,the one I went to Steve was on the side of parkway Sheffield just off manor estate ,can’t remember the name ,they at Doncaster too .
I’d agree intensive is likely to be the better option. Certainly worked for me. I’d been trying the home study for months and everything else took priority. I ended up trying an intensive course - had to turn my phone off and pay attention all day - worked a treat.
It entirely depends on you. I started an internet CPC course which was completely free of charge (It was paid for by some Government department or another) but I found that after 13 hours at work, the last thing I wanted to do was three or four hours doing homework. In the end I did an intensive course.
Intensive course.its worth it
Get a white board and write things down and erase them as you go.
Depends what type of work you do now, I had a job with lots of waiting to tip etc so lots of time to get in short study spells and passed first time. Unlikely you could do it if you are trying to work at home as too many distractions and you are tired at the end of the day.
I’m sure the home study does work for some people, but you seem to be having problems sitting down and getting your head into it after work.
I’ve tried home study in past for other things and found it just doesn’t work for me, so I did the intensive course. The other advantage of a course with an instructor is they also help with exam technique.
I went for home study, which worked well for me. However, I think you need to be a certain mindset (namely bit of a loner!) for it to work, and need to check regularly against the past papers and examiners reports to make sure that you’re on the right track.