Operating centre issues

I have held my O licence for over a month now for 3 units and 6 trailers, the licence went through with no real problems apart from VOSA wanting to check that adequate space was available, this was resolved by sending in some photos and satellite images, however we received no objections from the public.
It would now seem that after having the trucks there for only 4 days someone has complained to VOSA. As a result of this I have a VOSA inspection and a potential hearing!

Has anyone had anything similar? What should I expect? Do I need to look for another yard?

VOSA will come and do you a yard inspection at any time during the first 6 months of you having your licence, this is quite normal, just one of their procedures

personally, i wouldn’t worry about it

VOSA will come and do you a yard inspection at any time during the first 6 months of you having your licence, this is quite normal, just one of their procedures

personally, i wouldn’t worry about it

That puts my mind at rest a little, however the letter that they send has said ‘due to a direct result of a public complaint’

You had to post a notice in your local paper and a physical copy near the site when you applied for permission for the intended site. During this time anyone who considers their life will be devastated by the thought of having fire breathing monster juggernauts that eat small children so near to them, has the chance to put all his whinging down on paper. So Mr Nimby reaches for his best paper, writes the bestest load of crud he’s ever managed (even a bit of joined up writing) and then has another look at the address to send it off to. ARGHHH, ■■■■, blast and spherical objects, I have to send a copy to the bloke who’s applying as well and I can’t remain a spineless, anonymous objector. Now what can I do? I know, I’ll wait until he’s been here a month or two and write another letter saying he’s ruining my life, run over my cat and doesn’t think of the children…

He/her missed his chance and VOSA will have to go through the motions but I wouldn’t be losing too much sleep.
Just one little bit of advice though. Where I last applied for permission, it was an awkward turn in and some of the lads had been known to pinch a bit of pavement on the opposite side to make the turn (this was only because people parked vehicles badly in the entrance that went through a filling station, well actually no, the filling station used our drive as and entry/exit!)
The inspector was pretty smart and noticed the pavement and kerb was having a hard time opposite and made a point of going to look and informing us that he wasn’t impressed. So just have a good look around the entrance and keep the tyre prints off the kerb, grass etc well before he’s due.

VOSA will come and do you a yard inspection at any time during the first 6 months of you having your licence, this is quite normal, just one of their procedures

personally, i wouldn’t worry about it

Shuttlespanker is quite right Vosa wil check a new operator’s premises and their tacho’s etc fairly soon after they start operating.

Our local Vosa guy was a pain in the rear for 18 months, but havent heard from them for 4 years now. It isnt just me, other local hauliers made complaints about him, he wanted to know why I didn’t inspect a truck on the 25th Dec…
All of the other VOSA people I have met have been spot on, get the guy’s mobile number and give him a ring if you have any questions, they will see you are trying to do the job right.

As long as you have the correct planning permission for the site you are using, then you shouldnt have any bother from the council.

Make sure you record the times when your trucks are leaving / entering site and stick a notice up about being considerate to your neighbours (not leaving engines idling, etc)

Hope this helps.