open wifi

Park Rd Holmewood Park
its the opposite estate to the lorry park
i was parked outside T Mat and Innov@te
and was using an Archos 605 mp4 device

If you use a PDA,there is a free download,called WiFiFoFum,and it will locate wi-fi spots within a given range,but it won’t tell you if they’re unlocked.It runs in conjunction with another programme,which iirc is a Windows programme,and must also be downloaded.It uses a list and a radar type screen.

If you run a laptop,then another programme called Netstumbler,which does a similar thing.

Bearing in mind,that use of someone elses connection is totally llegal,and I don’t condone it in any way. :wink:


Bearing in mind,that use of someone elses connection is totally llegal,and I don’t condone it in any way. :wink:

And people have been prosecuted for doing it. Just so that you know…

And people have been prosecuted for doing it. Just so that you know…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Like that’ll stop anyone.

if you see these symbols chalked anywhere then the relevant symbol will tell you what security the network has…

Another good one which many people don’t know about is If you park within a fairly good distance to almost any Macdonalds in the UK, they have free WiFi access under whats known as the ‘Cloud Network’…its completely free, so don’t feel that you’re hacking into their internet because you’re not, they always advertise it in their windows but the posters tend to be quite small.

When I moved into my new house I quickly popped to one just to use the internet to check my E-Mails, to be fair, it’s actually very good. It was fast and reliable, The only thing I don’t like about it, is in order to stay connected you need to open a ‘registering window’ and keep it open whilst using the net, if you close this specific window then it disconnects you, but it’ll only take a few seconds to open another window and start using the internet again.

Isn’t there something we can do to persuade operators of HGV parks to provide internet free of charge for us?..lets face it, if you stay in a HGV park, you’ve got to pay roughly £20 just for one night, and there’s lots of lorries doing the same, so they must make easily hundreds of thousands each year. It wouldn’t cost much money to put up such a service and I think itd’ increase their business as more drivers would try to use these specific HGV parks.

Another good one which many people don’t know about is If you park within a fairly good distance to almost any Macdonalds in the UK, they have free WiFi access under whats known as the ‘Cloud Network’…its completely free, so don’t feel that you’re hacking into their internet because you’re not, they always advertise it in their windows but the posters tend to be quite small.

Most European McD’s do it too, I’ve heard.
I don’t go online abroad, partly because my laptop is too old to have built-in wi-fi.


Another good one which many people don’t know about is If you park within a fairly good distance to almost any Macdonalds in the UK, they have free WiFi access under whats known as the ‘Cloud Network’…its completely free, so don’t feel that you’re hacking into their internet because you’re not, they always advertise it in their windows but the posters tend to be quite small.

Most European McD’s do it too, I’ve heard.
I don’t go online abroad, partly because my laptop is too old to have built-in wi-fi.

your laptop will have a pcmi slot on the side, if your in Edinburgh at all pop into silicon group on Dalry Rd and get a pcmi wireless adapter from them for about £15, then you’ll be able to use your lappy if you ever park near a maccyd’s abroad.

this advice is brought to you free by home networks
we can connect you



Another good one which many people don’t know about is If you park within a fairly good distance to almost any Macdonalds in the UK, they have free WiFi access under whats known as the ‘Cloud Network’…its completely free, so don’t feel that you’re hacking into their internet because you’re not, they always advertise it in their windows but the posters tend to be quite small.

Most European McD’s do it too, I’ve heard.
I don’t go online abroad, partly because my laptop is too old to have built-in wi-fi.

your laptop will have a pcmi slot on the side, if your in Edinburgh at all pop into silicon group on Dalry Rd and get a pcmi wireless adapter from them for about £15, then you’ll be able to use your lappy if you ever park near a maccyd’s abroad.

this advice is brought to you free by home networks
we can connect you

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
A lack of built in wi-fi is only part of the reason.
Another part is, if I had wi-fi and a free connection, I wouldn’t get enough sleep.
It would end up with me thinking, “its getting late, I ought to go to sleep.
That looks interesting, I’ll have a quick look there first”.
“its getting late, I ought to go to sleep.
That looks interesting, I’ll have a quick look there first”.
“its getting late, I ought to go to sleep.
That looks interesting, I’ll have a quick look there first”.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:


Another good one which many people don’t know about is If you park within a fairly good distance to almost any Macdonalds in the UK, they have free WiFi access under whats known as the ‘Cloud Network’…its completely free, so don’t feel that you’re hacking into their internet because you’re not, they always advertise it in their windows but the posters tend to be quite small.

Most European McD’s do it too, I’ve heard.
I don’t go online abroad, partly because my laptop is too old to have built-in wi-fi.

Roadchef have free wifi in their buildings - don’t know if it works in the lorry parks