Online petition

Don’t know if anyone has thought of it but what do folks think about sending petitions to the heads of Tesco, Sainsburys etc about having to stay in some usually uncomfortable room and sometimes for hours and with not enough seats while trucks are loaded and unloaded. I’m sure we don’t have problems with health and safety rules in the main but these ones are stupid and dangerous. Sometimes the only ‘proper’ rest some drivers get in the day would be during these times. Maybe thousands of signatures to their ceo’s would get them to find a way of us being able to stay in our cabs. I’m not a techie so wouldn’t know how to go about it but I’m sure we have some budding Bill Gates out there who could. If enough people got involved maybe the press would get involved which would pressure them even more. What do you think■■?

Hi Vermeer,

I’d imagine that this might become a popular campaign, but TN doesn’t usually get involved in campaigns, althought there is this from forum rule #6 which allows discussion of your question with Rikki-UK, the forum community manager.

We don’t actively campaign as a general rule, although occasionally do support specific causes. If you would like our help in that regard, PM Rikki-UK, or e-mail him at UKAdmin@Truck.Net.