One last push

Sorry to bother those that have signed our “campaign” but the membership on here is growing so fast some might not know about it.
And thanks to Admin and Moderators for allowing it to stay a “Sticky” for so long.
Those that have not seen it, It is basically a Campaign to try and draw attention to the problems truckers face and how we never seem to get a say in our profession and future.
Have a look
No need to leave this site to sign it :!:
The comments from drivers, many from this site can be seen at 132 in Total

Anybody that has already signed it :arrow_right: We are starting to get the letters composed and ready to go out on the 4th July. So any suggestions or idea’s speak up now.We will produce a letter for any one who wishes to print it off and send to their MP on the same day, and shrink down the comments to send with it.

Thanks again for all that have signed and added their support, If we can just get 1 or 2 people to listen to us it will be worth it.

Yes please do Baz,i’ll get one sent off to my own MP,plus i’m sure i can get a few more sent off via the driver’s at work. :wink:

Good on yer KitKat :smiley:

Hopefully lots more of you will, If enough MPs receive one the subject might just get brought up, And “Talked About”
Any one who gets a reply from their MP and sends it to me. I will post it on site for all to see.

The MP letters will basically address Parking and facilities for drivers in their constituency. And what they are trying to do to sort out overnight parking, etc

Any comments on the subject Please

Yep, me to, I’ll have one to pop in the post as well please.

I will put a letter on here for you to copy and paste into your “Word” system.
Then just add your MPs Name and change a few small details.
Add any of your own comments and send of.

Now just under 150 have signed.
Be great to reach 200

Still a lot not signed yet :frowning: but had very little feed back on “why”
If you do disagree with it, we would love to know the reason :question:

Still a lot not signed yet :frowning: but had very little feed back on “why”
If you do disagree with it, we would love to know the reason :question:

I can’t speak for others and don’t know if I can change any colours on it but I find reading truckersworld pages straining on the eyes with black background and white text :wink: :wink:

Maybe it’s simple to alter but I don’t know how to do it :blush: :blush:

Be a bit boring if all portals look the same :unamused: :unamused:
If I ask you to have a look at something, it is only a couple of minutes. and
If Admin on here allow and support it, then it has got to be for the benefit of truckers.
“Dogmanbodie” you signed it, which is all that we were asking for.
Good on yer

You can find the address of YOUR MP here, and don’t forget the opposition as well, and your MEP

We did this for John Vasey and also sent letters to the French government Ministers and he was eventually Tried and released without charge by the third highest Judge in France, the Daughter-in-Law of the Justice Minister.

All for a "Lowly " Truck Driver?

Writing to your MP does help, even when you get a negative reply. When they are talking among themselves the subject might just crop up and then they realise they should do something about it

Writing to your MP does help, even when you get a negative reply. When they are talking among themselves the subject might just crop up and then they realise they should do something about it

Just our hope, that is why it is important for everyone to sign and contact their MP
We are writing to all the leaders and all DfT Ministers, seperately.

Thanks for the suggestions and link.
More suggestions :question: :question: :question:

Sorry for my ignorance, but I thought this post was concerning Lucy actually :open_mouth: . :confused:

Rob K:
Sorry for my ignorance, but I thought this post was concerning Lucy actually :open_mouth: . :confused:

No need for apology, The time must be getting close.
Anybody heard anything :question:

One last Bump

Yes I am a bit pushy :wink: :wink: :wink:

Al for a good cause I hope :smiley: :smiley: