One for Trucknet to ponder over

Have you ever thought to yourself, that before entering the debate you read and understand both sides of the argument.

Nah…just plough headlong in there…livens debates up somewhat… :smiley:

Or in your case, completely ignore something that doesn’t suit your argument.

Or in your case, completely ignore something that doesn’t suit your argument.

Please provide evidence to your claim?
I don’t accept that at all, anytime I’ve been asked a direct question I will give an answer.

Have you ever thought to yourself, that before entering the debate you read and understand both sides of the argument.

Great advice chester - I hope everyone including yourself does

Irony isn’t dead! :smiley:

Quite true. He’s also fat so another tick in the lazy limper box.


There is a lack of constant hi-vis wearing, he appears to be smartly dressed, he doesn’t talk loudly in to an earpiece that seems built in to the side of his face, he obviously cracks the whip to get all those drops off in the one hit and doesn’t drag the backside out of it by sitting at 52 everywhere and there isn’t a trail of destruction or dented bridges left in his wake. That points to him not being any sort of limper.


nah,cocked up a few times when not reading other posts on here correctly

I think you’ll find that the answer is 42 …
oops,silly me :wink:

before entering the debate

I drive a fackin lorry for a living…what’s entering a debate got to do with anything

Have you ever thought to yourself, that before entering the debate you read and understand both sides of the argument.

Have you ever thought to yourself that no one gives a ■■■■?

Would that be a mass debate?


before entering the debate

I drive a fackin lorry for a living…what’s entering a debate got to do with anything

I though a debate was/were a/an exchanging views over a set argument/ disagreement.
Got to be so careful on this forum nowadays for spelling mistakes, sort of ruins the flow.


Once i’ve formed an opinion,I stick to it.
Debates are just long word completions. Not interested in spelling mistakes either

When I was at massdebating club I found that only by being able to argue opposing points of view could I then provide a convincing view of my own.
If that didn’t work I just sat up the corner pulling myself off.

Yep another club that regretted accepting my membership.

Have you ever thought to yourself, that before entering the debate you read and understand both sides of the argument.

Ha ha Chester you obviously have forgotten where you are!!!

Have you ever thought to yourself, that before entering the debate you read and understand both sides of the argument.

You put your input,no matter weather it makes sense to them or not, some ■■■■■■ knows better because some other plank has seen it.
You start to sense that experience,common sense and reality is ,to some on this “forum” a foreign country.


Have you ever thought to yourself, that before entering the debate you read and understand both sides of the argument.

You put your input,no matter weather it makes sense to them or not, some [zb] knows better because some other plank has seen it.
You start to sense that experience,common sense and reality is ,to some on this “forum” a foreign country.

Agreeing with seeing both sides of an argument but deciding your opinion of things is correct and anyone who sees it different is wrong and a moron?
The irony is heavy



Have you ever thought to yourself, that before entering the debate you read and understand both sides of the argument.

You put your input,no matter weather it makes sense to them or not, some [zb] knows better because some other plank has seen it.
You start to sense that experience,common sense and reality is ,to some on this “forum” a foreign country.

Agreeing with seeing both sides of an argument but deciding your opinion of things is correct and anyone who sees it different is wrong and a moron?
The irony is heavy

Irony? or stupidity.A lot of “experts” on here love to ridicule other folk.
Most of their reasoning comes from where?

Sure as hell does not come from any real experience in a real working environment.
But of course they know better!




Have you ever thought to yourself, that before entering the debate you read and understand both sides of the argument.

You put your input,no matter weather it makes sense to them or not, some [zb] knows better because some other plank has seen it.
You start to sense that experience,common sense and reality is ,to some on this “forum” a foreign country.

Agreeing with seeing both sides of an argument but deciding your opinion of things is correct and anyone who sees it different is wrong and a moron?
The irony is heavy

Irony? or stupidity.A lot of “experts” on here love to ridicule other folk.
Most of their reasoning comes from where?

Sure as hell does not come from any real experience in a real working environment.
But of course they know better!

Yeah well ok, fair enough.
I’ll give you that one but only for some of the members, not them all as sometimes a decent counter argument or point can be made and while I wouldnt call them experts, some of them do know what they are talking about