One careful Polish owner

Found this quite by accident on the web, accident I think being the operative word. Cieszą się!

im guessing it was originally french?

A mate of mine is on for GCA, ill try and find out more when hes home next weekend. Theyve done a good job where ever there from :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

looks like they parked it on my estate :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


loks like it has upset my missus at that certain time of the month, serves him right for telling her how to park!!!

It does not look that bad, unless im missing something

New cab and a few bits and bobs on the outside, like wing stays, bumper plastic etc, and back on the road, no problem :laughing:

That cant have gone through the insurance i would be a amazed if that was written off :open_mouth:

It does not look that bad, unless im missing something

New cab and a few bits and bobs on the outside, like wing stays, bumper plastic etc, and back on the road, no problem :laughing:

That cant have gone through the insurance i would be a amazed if that was written off :open_mouth:

…and an engine, maybe?? :laughing: :laughing:

anyone seen the seddon atkinson at transmarck looking like this? (i was going to take a pic, but the light was not very good)

Bet the engine worked and was undamaged though, guessing thats why its not there anymore

Maybe it was taken to Poland to be rebuilt.
You’d be amazed at some of the old wrecks they pick up from scrap yards in Belgium to take back for rebuild and sell on.

Is it possible the rear axle is knackered on it? Also with cab damage like that would the alignment ever be right on it as the chassis may be bent. And realistically would you run her up the road after being fixed?

What actually happened to it?


scania king kev:
Is it possible the rear axle is knackered on it? Also with cab damage like that would the alignment ever be right on it as the chassis may be bent. And realistically would you run her up the road after being fixed?

What actually happened to it?


Having done a bit of digging on the site I found it on, it seems that the company (French) sells used trucks and trailers, and they have a polish division. As KW says, it seems that this was accident damaged and then cannibalised, and finally got shipped off to Poland to be sold on for salvage or spares.