On the back of the recent 'speed limit' thread

On a single carriageway road were there are average speed check cameras (the ones near The Woodhead Pass spring to mind), and the limit is shown as 50mph, are these cameras geared up to detect HGV’s doing over 40mph?

On a single carriageway road were there are average speed check cameras (the ones near The Woodhead Pass spring to mind), and the limit is shown as 50mph, are these cameras geared up to detect HGV’s doing over 40mph?

I don’t believe cameras are capable of doing that, although it works on number plate recognition so in theory I guess it’s possible as the plate would provide the type of vehicle.

On a single carriageway road were there are average speed check cameras (the ones near The Woodhead Pass spring to mind), and the limit is shown as 50mph, are these cameras geared up to detect HGV’s doing over 40mph?

Just get in the mind set of not speeding and you’ll have nothing to worry about. :wink:

bald bloke:

On a single carriageway road were there are average speed check cameras (the ones near The Woodhead Pass spring to mind), and the limit is shown as 50mph, are these cameras geared up to detect HGV’s doing over 40mph?

Just get in the mind set of not speeding and you’ll have nothing to worry about. :wink:

I am aware of that but it’s one of those random questions that come into all of our heads as we while away the hours all alone :wink:

On a single carriageway road were there are average speed check cameras (the ones near The Woodhead Pass spring to mind), and the limit is shown as 50mph, are these cameras geared up to detect HGV’s doing over 40mph?

I don’t know about Woodhead but I can absolutely guarantee that one speed camera on the A52 between Nottingham and Grantham CAN tell the difference between a car doing 50+ and an HGV doing 40+.

I’m not sure how it does it - it is either weight sensors or height lasers - but it does it. Guaranteed.


On a single carriageway road were there are average speed check cameras (the ones near The Woodhead Pass spring to mind), and the limit is shown as 50mph, are these cameras geared up to detect HGV’s doing over 40mph?

I don’t know about Woodhead but I can absolutely guarantee that one speed camera on the A52 between Nottingham and Grantham CAN tell the difference between a car doing 50+ and an HGV doing 40+.

I’m not sure how it does it - it is either weight sensors or height lasers - but it does it. Guaranteed.

Someone’s been caught. :blush: :blush: :smiley: :smiley:

bald bloke:
Someone’s been caught. :blush: :blush: :smiley: :smiley:


2am. Dung happens. But it’s a clean licence now !

The a1 in Northumberland has speed cameras with either weight sensors or axle counters in the road. I have seen streams of cars go through and then cars pulling caravans flashed.

I went through at 48 in a 16 tonner once and was flashed but heard nothing further about it. I guess they read the number plate of the Transit Luton I had on the back and decided 48 was OK for it. :smiley:

All Gatso and Peek style speed cameras can tell the difference between a car and a HGV/LGV and will penalise accordingly.


I’m not sure about the other types of camera but I’d sooner slow down and not have to worry.

They don’t at the moment, but the capability is there.

When they get skint, I’m sure they will, but until then they don’t.

HOWEVER, I’m the guy using his brakes to bring / keep 44t around the 40mph limit on that downhill near the steel works only to crawl up the other side at walking pace :imp: (it’s 2 lanes up there though, so people can get past - not that it’d be my problem if they couldn’t though tbh)

Winds me up to hell, but gotta stay legal :grimacing:

According to my inside source the ANPR average speed cameras CAN adjust to different types of vehicle but whether that particular one has been set up to do so is an unanswered question

On a single carriageway road were there are average speed check cameras (the ones near The Woodhead Pass spring to mind), and the limit is shown as 50mph, are these cameras geared up to detect HGV’s doing over 40mph?

I don’t recall ever hearing of average speed cameras that are HGV sensitive, but given that the camera software is in contact with a vehicle database I’d be surprised if the database doesn’t also give the vehicle description.

So while the cameras are probably not HGV sensitive the cameras average speed software is likely to be.

A few years ago, 2006 I think, while working for ASDA out of Washington, the camera on the A1 s/b at the Holy Island turn off was changed to a digital camera set to 40mph. This had the effect of catching all vehicles exceeding that speed obviously. As it was digital it was a simple matter of taking out all the cars & leaving all the trucks to get the fines, around 130 or so one night. I know the RHA got involved saying it was accepted by the police that the speed limit was broken by trucks in an effort to keep the traffic moving at a decent speed, it’s single track for miles around there. The police response was, surprise, we cannot condone breaking the law and our officers never turn a blind eye. So fo a while it was 39mph and huge tailbacks of cars stuck behind trucks. A short time later the camera changed back to the usual type and speeds went back to normal.


On a single carriageway road were there are average speed check cameras (the ones near The Woodhead Pass spring to mind), and the limit is shown as 50mph, are these cameras geared up to detect HGV’s doing over 40mph?

I don’t know about Woodhead but I can absolutely guarantee that one speed camera on the A52 between Nottingham and Grantham CAN tell the difference between a car doing 50+ and an HGV doing 40+.

I’m not sure how it does it - it is either weight sensors or height lasers - but it does it. Guaranteed.

Well I better tell the lads then as some at my place have been tear arsing through there every day for years at 56

Well I better tell the lads then as some at my place have been tear
arsing through there every day for years at 56

They sound like true heroes. You should try it yourself.

Please test these two for me when you’re next in the area and
let me know how you get on:




bald bloke:
Someone’s been caught. :blush: :blush: :smiley: :smiley:


2am. Dung happens. But it’s a clean licence now !

I reckon the one you’re talking about is the one at the bottom of the hill just after you’ve crossed over the A1 travelling westbound. That one definitely goes off for hgv’s at 50 mph as I used to set it off ten times a day whilst on recovery driving a 10 tonner that had been downrated to a 7.5.

The average ones situated nearer Bingham roundabout may possibly tell the difference but I’ve never heard of anyone being “done” by them, despite many of my colleagues using that road daily.

the maoster:
I reckon the one you’re talking about is the one at the bottom of the hill just after you’ve crossed over the A1 travelling westbound. That one definitely goes off for hgv’s at 50 mph as I used to set it off ten times a day whilst on recovery driving a 10 tonner that had been downrated to a 7.5.

That’s the one.

I’ve not been in the area for some time but I’ve just had a look at it on Google Maps.

It’s now got a National Speed Limit sign on it.

But it used to have a 50 sign and that threw me.

I think I got done at 47mph, but that’s history now.