? on exhaust brakes

Personally, mine stays on permenantly…but then Penfold the P-cab isn’t a great fan of stopping (although that said he isn’t a great fan of going, either… :unamused: ).

The only time it goes off is when I’m careless about putting the cab phone down, as it’s mounted directly above and the bracket’s knackered, so it knocks the switch…or if it’s icy.

We also suffer from having a couple of early ABS skellie-trailers which have no load-sensing valve. The result is that the system thinks your always loaded, so when you’re empty or loaded empty (empty box) and you try and stop it thinks the wheels are locking up and lets the brakes off for several seconds! :open_mouth: Quick gear-dropping and working exhauster a must… :wink:

Hi Bigtruck. I deliver rental vehicles & have driven solo units 1000’s of miles & where possible switch the exhaust brake to come on when I lift my foot off the excelerator.
I have never had any problems from an exhaust brake, but I would suggest you watch the accelerator in damp conditions when driving solo.

I agree its personal choice, i’ve had mine on since day one and am comfortable with it, its also good for speed cameras (without commiting cardinal sin and leaping on the brakes!)

I agree its personal choice, i’ve had mine on since day one and am comfortable with it, its also good for speed cameras (without commiting cardinal sin and leaping on the brakes!)

Going back to having a Scania back in the UK if I remember the exhaust brake also operated the brake lights.
I also remember that exhaust brakes there are no more than a ■■■■■ little noise that has very little effect. My ‘Jake Brake’ here soulnds like an AK47 and will slow me empty on a 1 in 6 down hill grade from 70 mph to 50 mph in seconds.