On A Positive Note

Thought I’d mention/thank Transport and Workshop Managers for coming out of meeting with MD after I was taken ill on Thursday morning. Thought I’d pulled a stomach muscle whilst cycling to work which got worse during the morning, eventually culminating in me collapsing after getting out of the cab at the delivery point. Turns out to be some gastro’ viral thing and despite being a bit tired it seems to have gone away. Cheers gents, nice that there are some management out there that will stop to take care of the workforce…

Hope you’re OK now.

I doubt our lot would do the same. Glad you’re getting better .

Hope you’re OK now.

Bit rough but going in Monday. I find I recover better when not sat around at home. I was worried it was heart or something that could lose my license but hey ho.

heart problem :question: pulled muscle :question:
ffs you have tummy ache and feel the need to post the fact on a forum :question:
hypochondriac more likely :smiley:

I do apologise; This forum is only for whinging about the job…or slagging off Stobarts :unamused:

And you work for…?

44 Tonne Ton:
And you work for…?

Green chip company.

Thought so…did Mr Manager rub your tumsy wumsy all better? :stuck_out_tongue:

44 Tonne Ton:
Thought so…did Mr Manager rub your tumsy wumsy all better? :stuck_out_tongue:

probably gave him a teaspoon of gripe water and rubbed his back till he got his wind up :smiley:

44 Tonne Ton:
Thought so…did Mr Manager rub your tumsy wumsy all better? :stuck_out_tongue:

No but I’ve been allowed to refuse a new motor…

Good job you dont work for one of the big supermarket RDC’s… they would have rung the police to come and chalk around you for your own good… you could then stay there undisturbed.

44 Tonne Ton:
Thought so…did Mr Manager rub your tumsy wumsy all better? :stuck_out_tongue:

ffs they guy was only saying that some managers actually care about thier workers. Poor chap probably thought his number was up.

my brother took unwell coming down the A90 Just past stonehaven last august when he felt unwell manage to pull into a layby got out and collpsed at the side of the truck a very kind fellow lorry driver stopped and gave him first aid called an ambulance.After some tests at the hospital it turned out he had lukemia. He is now in remission and back at work living life to the full.

He had been a bit under par for few days before hand but thought nothing of it we never did find out the identity of the driver so if he is on here a big thankyou from tommy and his family if you read this.

here’s what really happend.
drivers gets egg bound, so he’s showing signs of abdominal pain.
the management hear about this.
they come out of a pointless meeting to check if he’s wearing his high vis vest.
oh [zb], it turns out he’s wearing one. “check his feet” shouts the fat controller.
“■■■■, he’s got 2012 Olympic titanium over steel EU standard footwear”
“quick, phone a solicitor. we need to get this settled out of court”.
as if by magic, the solicitor appears. he hands over his fee. then decides to talk the egg bound employee into a £3000 settlement.
the employee then agrees, but he’s only rich for a few minutes, as his wife has arrived.
a short time later, an ambulance turns up. he slowly picks himself up, and climes into the ambulance. then just as he makes for the second step, he pauses, then lets out an almighty ■■■■.
he declares himself fit for work, and carries on.

Thought I’d mention/thank Transport and Workshop Managers for coming out of meeting with MD after I was taken ill on Thursday morning. Thought I’d pulled a stomach muscle whilst cycling to work which got worse during the morning, eventually culminating in me collapsing after getting out of the cab at the delivery point. Turns out to be some gastro’ viral thing and despite being a bit tired it seems to have gone away. Cheers gents, nice that there are some management out there that will stop to take care of the workforce…

That is bad :exclamation:
A Jamerson could help?

Immigrant, I have no idea what you’re on about.

Immigrant, I have no idea what you’re on about.

Don’t worry Nathan nobody on here ever has an idea what Immigrant is on about, if you did then that would definately be a cause for seeing the doctor :laughing:

Me neither,


