Poor bugger them dam taxis parked on double yellows on a bend … Maybe now the police and traffic wardens will move them off the bend (swines)
Unfortunate for the driver, especially if caused by other drivers’ bad parking but why the fire brigade paid for by the taxpayer, shouldn’t it have been sorted by a recovery firm and paid for by the lorry owner?
Why/how did the lorry driver get into that position in the first place
This thread won’t get far - Albion and me both posting
Merry Christmas
Why/how did the lorry driver get into that position in the first place
Maybe because the driver is a numpty!
This thread won’t get far - Albion and me both postingMerry Christmas
Once watched a truck destroy a wheel lock on a bay at great bear skem didn’t need the fire brigade for that just an irate Bulgarian with paper work issues taught me one thing though if it went in , come what may it’ll come out .