Older vehicle Inspection frequency

The new edition of Maintaining Roadworthiness has just been published. This now contains a “recommendation” from VoSA that vehicles and trailers which are 12 years old or more should now be subject to a Safety Inspection at least every 6 weeks. There is further “advice” about the number of brake test reports “expected” between MOTs.

gov.uk/government/publicati … worthiness

Before I retired I carried out weekly “brake tests” between the Cat & Fiddle pub and Macclesfield.

Retired Old ■■■■:
Before I retired I carried out weekly “brake tests” between the Cat & Fiddle pub and Macclesfield.

When I drove a 1418 merc that route was also a very good sphincter test. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: Regards Kev.