Older drivers

There have been a few incidents reported recently where the drivers are 60+.

Just wondering if there should be a ’ chop ’ at 60? I don’t think these drivers should be out of haulage altogether, maybe the hairy eared mob could be allowed to be a 2nd man or something?

I would love to have an older chap as a helper. They could teach me to play the spoons too.

You bored and looking for trouble Beaver? :grimacing:

yes there should be a chop ,starting with you :imp:

You bored and looking for trouble Beaver? :grimacing:

dicing with death me thinks

This thread is not going to go well EB… :grimacing:

This thread is not going to go well EB… :grimacing:

So far it’s not going well for EB as nobody has taken the bait. :laughing:

It’s the problem with trolling when everybody knows you’re a wind up merchant. :laughing:

Is this going to be enough? :open_mouth:

Oh, Eagerbeaver, with the folly of youth you might consider yourself to be “forever young”, but believe me, in a blink of an eye you’ll be a coffin-dodger too… :stuck_out_tongue:

what a waste of his mothers milk

Harry Monk:
Oh, Eagerbeaver, with the folly of youth you might consider yourself to be “forever young”, but believe me, in a blink of an eye you’ll be a coffin-dodger too… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ain’t that the truth, is only seem like yesterday I was a younster with 40 year to go before retirement,

Now I’m an old git, but some things never change change I reckon it will still be 40 years before I can retire. :laughing:

Father in law is 76 still tramps away sunday - Friday, does alot to and from Bibbys depot at Doncaster. I take my hat off to him, excellent bloke with a passion for the job

Nope. Serious question fella’s.

I was talking to an old boy the other day and he really struggled to hear me. I ended up grabbing a traffic cone and shouting through it.

(Still didn’t bloody hear me). Thing is though, any mention of roping & sheeting and they hear everything :neutral_face:

Nope. Serious question fella’s.

Doesn’t mean you’re going to get a serious answer. :laughing:

Nope. Serious question fella’s.

I was talking to an old boy the other day and he really struggled to hear me. I ended up grabbing a traffic cone and shouting through it.

(Still didn’t bloody hear me). Thing is though, any mention of roping & sheeting and they hear everything :neutral_face:

the traffic cone is no good EB, what you need to keep with you is one of these.

argos.co.uk/product/4441005? … AogM8P8HAQ

Nope. Serious question fella’s.

I was talking to an old boy the other day and he really struggled to hear me.

Perhaps he just didn’t want to listen to you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you seriously want to share a cab with some incontinent old codger who slobbers like a basset hound once he’s taken his teeth out so he can gum his fish paste sarnies down?

If so, I’m sure Robroy could do with the company… :wink:

has this post been going on long enough for me to mention proper drivers dollys and barrel hitches yet?? :confused:

A ridiculous notion Harry :open_mouth:

Don’t get me wrong, I think a lot of old folk. The thing is, reactions slow and sight and hearing start to drop off, so at what point do you call it a day?

P.s. How did people start playing bloody tunes with cutlery? And why on earth does my Grandad keep trying to impress me by rolling his sodding dogstooth flatcap down his arm?

has this post been going on long enough for me to mention proper drivers dollys and barrel hitches yet?? :confused:

Not quite mate, it needs at least three pages before dropping in the old roping and sheeting chestnut…


has this post been going on long enough for me to mention proper drivers dollys and barrel hitches yet?? :confused:

Not quite mate, it needs at least three pages before dropping in the old roping and sheeting chestnut…

And it will be locked halfway through page 2! Lol :unamused: