Old style hgv licence

to all us old enough to remember them , dont you wish that you still had one■■?. i had to change mine in 1987 for a change of address and got a normal licence back.
i know it was only a brown book but atleast it set you out as different to the car driver. the same could be said for the psv holders badge ( i never had one of them).

I don’t know if its just me being thick but i find the new ones really confusing :confused:


Now you’ve got me thinkig, … where the hell is my old black one ? I am sure it was retuened with the new style one.

Yes, I miss the old black book, it was kind of distinctive but I was so pleased to move into the modern age away from those foldy green things when issued with my smart plastic photo card.

Then I came to France and they made me change it for a French pink one :cry:

Salut, David.

I moved house a few years ago and had to apply for a new driving licence. It was just after vocational licenses started being dealt with by DVLA and I got mine back !! :slight_smile: Still got it now. Much nicer than the plastic bloody credit card thing I have now.

When I renew my licence and sent in my brown book I got it back with my new licence - I just keep it for memories.

I’v still got my PSV licence badge but my HGV erm…

I’ve got a pile of my Grandad’s old driving license’s dating from 1919 - 1974. He learnt to drive in WW1. He was pointed to a truck and told to move it, when he replied he couldn’t drive, he was told to learn quickly and did. Some training methods never change :wink:

I’ve also got an old ‘Manchester Strret Guide’, it is just a list of street names in Alphabetical order in one column. Adjoining Street in the next column, and nearest main thoroughfare in the next.

Street & Postal district Adjoining Street Nearest Main Thoroughfare

Textile St. Man 12 Gorton Lane Hyde Road

I think this was more for people who had a rough idea of where the main roads were or where certain roads went to, I have know idea when it was published.

Yes I do and wish I still had one! :slight_smile: I got mine taken away.
