Old norfolk drivers

Hello there looking for an old mate STEVEN DRURY from Norwich area, i used to spend a lot o time in Norwich working for Myatts Barnsley out Norwich corrugated & Barnards (happy days) 60,s 70,s 80,s

last time i saw Steve he was an od on for Visbeen thou that was over 7 years ago.

last time i saw Steve he was an od on for Visbeen thou that was over 7 years ago.

Thanks for the reply pal The last time i saw him iwas on for ASDA i retired 2005 so it could be ten years ago and that was in Manchester. regards RAY :laughing:

He had this for a while (it had the muriels on it when he got it)

i think after the Volvo he got this

he now drives an FH (ex Davie Malcolm motor apparently)

flickr.com/photos/47094688@N … Gwk-a9dGt4

hope this helps
(i know of him, but i dont know him, so cant help with any questions you may have!)