OH its my fucking fault is it?

I had an operation that some of you know about a few weeks ago and wasnt driving my truck until Monday this week.

They had an agency guy driving it and I rode shotgun last friday telling him he had broke my o/s mirror but handt told anyone so told my boss phoned the garage and they said it would take an hour but as it was in for service on Wednesday could I wait yes no problem I told my boss.

Picked it up this morning from the Daf dealership adjusted the mirror set off for a days work got to somewhere today at 1pm over a speed hump and the ■■■■■■■ mirror fell off !!! ■■■■■■■ unbelievable !!! so phoned the boss to say it had fallen off and i had to go back to get another one fitted.

He went in to his moody thing her does (they all do it (bosses)) anyway got to the garage they said oh it hapopens all the time with these Dafs theres a bolt goies through the mirror that you cant see so sometimes they fall off and its noones fault.

Got back to work and the boss is still in the huff as it costs £55 for a new mirror I said yeh but they said its common that they have this problem with them he said would they admit it was their fault I said well they did in the garage.

I said well they only fitted it last night when they done the service GUESS WHAT HIS REPLY WAS…

“OH I didnt even know it was in the garage”

Why oh why do they put people with no ■■■■■■■ brains in to management■■?.

Why oh why do they put people with no [zb] brains in to management■■?.

Well, would you want them driving a 44 tonne truck instead :question: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Why oh why do they put people with no [zb] brains in to management■■?.

cos all the geniuses are driving wagons :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

amen guys, i actually sat and thought about a comment for this, but the last two sum it up…
just goes to show where the real proffesionals are…

its called the Peter Principle
people are promoted to the level of their incompetance

its called the Peter Principle
people are promoted to the level of their incompetance

and then some :unamused:

of course its your fault
1 you’re a driver
2 you’re a foreigner
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

2 you’re a foreigner

:imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :wink:

its called the Peter Principle
people are promoted to the level of their incompetance

I’ve heard this before, but does that mean if all you ever do is drive a truck then you are incompetent at doing that? :confused: :smiley:

Jammy…such a professional as yourself…why dya need mirrors anyway, :laughing:

Talking of numptys who work in transport offices…heres a good one…from our company.

Some one will take you to morgan elliot (daf dealer) to pick up your truck from servicing.
(at morgan elliot) Hi ive come to pick up my vehicle (give reg number) Sorry its not here Ok..(phones planner) The trucks not here Where is it then How t.f. do i know Ill ring you back
2 hours go by (and i`m back from the cafe)
still no phone call…so calls them
Where are you
Morgan elliot
What are you doing there
Picking up my truck which isnt here…
Oh…come back to the yard…it might be here…
So after a coffee…i phone again to ask whos picking me up…
Where are you…
Wasted a whole morning…great…i love it…

I have had that with salford van hire with the mirror to on my old merc and also the breakdown which took over three hours to get me.

two of the key qualities they look for in management is lack of brains and if they can prove lack of common sense the jobs theres

take up bus driving, they’ve got no use for mirrors,we’re told