Oh Guy

Guy has been driving his scanias on a dodgy license?

google.co.uk/amp/s/www.thes … cence/amp/

Hope he doesn’t slam the beak’s fingers in a laptop :smiley:

It’s in The Sun, so must be true…


He is and has been a lorry mechanic for many years so surely he has a license. Fake news from a fake newspaper. :wink:

Well he did/does work for some bloke called moody.

It just popped up in a news feed. I have never bought the pile of crap, they literally try and give it away for free at my local garage, and as I tell the guy when he offers me one, you could pay me to take one and I would still say no.
How bout a proper Grimsby paper

google.co.uk/url?sa=i&sourc … 7327776429

Did see a post on facebook the other day , it looked pretty recent, of him holding his pass certificate for i think his class 2.
So maybe the issue with his licence came to light when he went to add extra categories?

It’s in The Sun, so must be true…


He’s in court over it so it must have some legs to it…

I like the guy so don’t really care if it’s true or not. :stuck_out_tongue:
Hopefully they won’t ban him from driving if true.