Oh deep joy.


Today I was driving along behind a car+trailer who was behind a heavy artic badly struggling to maintain 30 never mind 40. Anyway a quick look in my right mirror and what do I see? Some ■■■ in a Mazda overtaking about 5 cars, plus the car+trailer plus me, on a hill, on a blind bend!!

[zb]! I think to myself then what do I then see? Blue lights roaring up behind me!! They chased after him and pulled him in. At long last I have finally seen someone get [zb] by the police for driving like a ■■■■. Central Scotlands best. It made me laugh out loud and I gave the guy a wee toot on the horn as I passed :smiley: :smiley:

I love editing obviously banned language out. :unamused: Go read the rules. L. :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
iv’e been waiting years for that to happen :exclamation: :exclamation:

Bet thats made your year

you bet it has! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

is that 3 points?

Maybe more than 3 points. How many offences do you think he breached? Dangerous driving, (were there double white lines that he crossed - more than likely if it was a blind bend on a hill)?

at least 6 points. i remember sitting a q on the m62 to come off at my junction car drives down the hard shouler was only about 50 yds from slip road i think ■■■■■■■■ not finished saying police car comes down behind and nicks him it nade my night :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Top result! :laughing:

Hopefully he’ll get summoned to court and get muchos points and fines.

Offences; Careless Driving (possibly dangerous depending on the circs), Crossing the unbroken white line, Maybe speeding and anything else they find wrong with his docs and his car! Maybe even waving bye bye to his licence for a while (assuming the donkey has one in the 1st place).

Justice has been served…“do want fries with that?”.

Summer night last year, heading Eastbound M62 noticed a possy of Police cars on the M1 Flyover bridge, thought nothing of it, then 5 mins later I see a ton of blue flashing lights in the mirror.

Thought it was a police ■■■■■■, but as they got nearer I noticed a non-police car in the middle of it all. There must have been over a dozen cop cars surrounding a Rover 200 with it’s rear bumber hanging off.

Pulls over to the hard shoulder to let them past, and they manage to get it over to the side just after the next junction. Yanked the driver out as I drove past!!

Just like watching telly :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Don’t know what he did, but looked to be in a heap of trouble.