Oh dear ! (@ Neil)

I just happened to spot the ad for Neil’s Coffee to Go book in ‘for sale’ forum and thought I’d take a look at Amazon to see how much they were going for. That was the point when I stumbled across this not-so-great review :

Boring repetitive blog, 30 Mar 2011
Percy Jones “Mac man”
This review is from: Coffee to Go: Travels in Europe by Truck (Paperback)
I was attracted to this book after scanning it in a bookstore. It was expensive for a paperback and turned out to be a total disappointment. If you like details (repeated for every journey) of fuel consumption, continental road numbers, tachograph restrictions, lorry pull-ups, and difficult to find/access destinations then this is the book for you. I ploughed through it in the anticipation it was going to get interesting. It never did.


I hadn’t seen that Rob, I haven’t been to that page on Amazon for a long time. Never mind eh, it’s still selling and I haven’t had a month with zero sales since it came out so I’m happy enough with it. I better not bother with book two though in case he accidentally buys it. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

One strange thing is that it isn’t actually on the shelves of any book stores so I was wondering how he had actually managed to scan it in a book store. Might have been somebody I have upset on a forum, and there are plenty of those, having a wee dig or it just wasn’t the book for him.

One strange thing is that it isn’t actually on the shelves of any book stores so I was wondering how he had actually managed to scan it in a book store.

Could have been a second hand book store I suppose? Anyway, you can’t please all of the people all of the time…


There are also 11 other reveiws all 5 star.
“This is an entertaining, enjoyable read and at times it had me laughing out loud. For non truck driving readers, such as myself, it gives a glimpse into a life that few of us know about.”

Not really fair to post the worst reveiw, was it ■■?

Well I enjoyed my copy and so did the missus, oh and I bought mine new, (that way the author gets his royalties). Kids got sick of me during the recent F1 at monaco saying thats where the writer of that book got stuck!

There are also 11 other reveiws all 5 star.
“This is an entertaining, enjoyable read and at times it had me laughing out loud. For non truck driving readers, such as myself, it gives a glimpse into a life that few of us know about.”

Not really fair to post the worst reveiw, was it ■■?

That’s Our Rob K for you :wink:

MMTM the charity shops have plenty copies at 20p a throw. Strange how they all have a bookmark or the corner of the page turned over about five or six pages in to the first chapter. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


One strange thing is that it isn’t actually on the shelves of any book stores so I was wondering how he had actually managed to scan it in a book store.

Could have been a second hand book store I suppose? Anyway, you can’t please all of the people all of the time…


Might have been, but then you would have thought they would have bought that copy instead of new. At least I got my money because they bought it new. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

MMTM the charity shops have plenty copies at 20p a throw. Strange how they all have a bookmark or the corner of the page turned over about five or six pages in to the first chapter. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

That’s fine, at least I got my royalties, beyond that I don’t really care.

When I wrote it I said I would be happy to sell 20 copies, as of now it is well into four figures and has generated me a few grand in royalties so I’m happy enough. :wink:

Well I enjoyed my copy and so did the missus, oh and I bought mine new, (that way the author gets his royalties). Kids got sick of me during the recent F1 at monaco saying thats where the writer of that book got stuck!

I’ve been annoying my kids for years by pointing out the loading bay in the tunnel. :stuck_out_tongue:

Best news of all is that every time there is a thread on here about the book it generates a few sales, so cheers for that Rob. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll maybe knock up another bad review in a few months to see if it will generate more sales. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Coffeeholic,

Its me who’s selling it, was a great read, though i did it in less then a day, its one of those books that you yearning for more, so maybe book 2 would be a good idea.

Hi Coffeeholic,

Its me who’s selling it, was a great read, though i did it in less then a day, its one of those books that you yearning for more, so maybe book 2 would be a good idea.

Book two is written and on my computer. It just needs formatting into a book and a cover designed to be published (oh and get Rob K to proof read it because he is good at that sort of thing and he did offer a good while back) but I haven’t decided if I am going to or not. I really just wrote it for something to do and so I can remember stuff a few years from now.

Let the knockers say what they want Neil, I enjoyed it and look forward to reading book 2 when you release it!

The thing is, we can either read Neils book or watch TV programme Stobart Twins ■■■■ a Sailor.

People like Pacman will believe what they are told on TV, but a factual book with a bit of Neils abrupt humour will only be of interest to us or people like us :laughing:

I am still keeping an eye out in the local charity shops. I have a bloke on the inside of the MIND & Mencap shop, Neils book is bound to end up there :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair to Neil what did he expect to find in a book about trucking through Europe. It’s like complaining that the Daily Sport has too many ■■■■.

Wheel Nut:
…but a factual book with a bit of Neils abrupt humour will only be of interest to us or people like us :laughing:

I would have thought that as well but I have had messages and emails from quite a lot of normal people who said they enjoyed it, people not connected with the industry at all. Even more surprising, a fair few were of the female persuasion.

To be fair to Neil what did he expect to find in a book about trucking through Europe. It’s like complaining that the Daily Sport has too many ■■■■.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: At least my book only featured one ■■■. :wink:

Available on EBay at over RRP :


Obviously becoming a collector’s item :slight_smile:

Available on EBay at over RRP :


Obviously becoming a collector’s item :slight_smile:

Well mine at £9 with free p&p seems a bargain then

Let the knockers say what they want Neil, I enjoyed it and look forward to reading book 2 when you release it!

if book 2 has knockers sales will fly :wink:

There are also 11 other reveiws all 5 star.
“This is an entertaining, enjoyable read and at times it had me laughing out loud. For non truck driving readers, such as myself, it gives a glimpse into a life that few of us know about.”

Not really fair to post the worst reveiw, was it ■■?

“Fair” doesn’t come into it. I think you are reading (pardon the pun) too much into my post. Although I’ve not actually read the book, it has never had a bad review by any truckers to my knowledge and is also highly regarded here so I very much doubt the review I copied and pasted above will make any difference. The reason I posted it was really a cheeky nudge and wink at Neil that someone out there won’t be subscribing to his fan club :laughing: . I’m pretty sure Neil got the ‘drift’ of my post even if others didn’t. :smiley:

ETA, just seen this bit by Neil -

Best news of all is that every time there is a thread on here about the book it generates a few sales, so cheers for that Rob.

Certainly wasn’t my intention to knock it - see my comments above. I’m really pleased for you that it’s sold as well as it has and long may it continue. :slight_smile:

Denis F:

Let the knockers say what they want Neil, I enjoyed it and look forward to reading book 2 when you release it!

if book 2 has knockers sales will fly :wink:

Read the excerpts in the Daily Star.

Bed, Hobbs and Huge ■■■■.


Wheel Nut:
…but a factual book with a bit of Neils abrupt humour will only be of interest to us or people like us :laughing:

I would have thought that as well but I have had messages and emails from quite a lot of normal people who said they enjoyed it, people not connected with the industry at all. Even more surprising, a fair few were of the female persuasion.

To be fair to Neil what did he expect to find in a book about trucking through Europe. It’s like complaining that the Daily Sport has too many ■■■■.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: At least my book only featured one ■■■. :wink:

You didnt say Rob K was in your book :smiley: