Oh Bu......!

Got two letters today. One was from work saying I’ve had a 2.5 % pay rise :slight_smile:

The other is from Northamptonshire Police :frowning: . Apparently on the 15th June I was clocked at 47 in a 40 limit, I’ve checked and yes, I was on that road and yes I was doing that speed, as proved by my GPS logs :frowning: One minute before I was doing 38.8 and accellerating after stopping for a rest stop for half an hour. Obviously had “missed” the sign saying it was 40 limit :blush: :blush: :blush:

Thorpe Waterville 40mph limit. Um, Drat. I thought that was a 60 ;( I was in a 7.5t work truck.

They clocked me on 15th June and on 9th July sent the letter, I thought they were supposed to send within 14 days? Oh well. Drat. My own fault. Pity, I’ve kept my licence clean for 4 years and it’s the first speeding penalty. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Will obviously have to pay greater attention in future… Feel free to critisize.

I would go see a solicitor. If you are unaware that the poice are investigating an offence they must send a Notice of Intended Prosecution within 14 days. Their defence to this is that they were trying to identify the driver/registered keeper when the 14day limit passed.

as i live not to far from thorpe you have my sympathy these speed limits for the A605 where put in place for road works and where as such only temperary for the period of works but have been left in place,i was wondering if they need planning permission to install speed camaras■■?

When they do road work here, and they post a reduced speed, the reduced speed limit is only effective while the road crews are actually on site working. Its usually for the safety of the road workers. After they have left for the day, the speed limit returns to normal… or is posted otherwise due to unsafe conditions of the road. Apparently its not the same there■■? Seems unfair if thats the case.

Hmm. I don’t specifically remember any signs for speed cameras. I know I was stopped there for a bit, It was just off the main road near a large yellow field :slight_smile:

Speeding points in court are something along the lines of 3 points up to 14 or so over the limit, and then a further point for each 5mph above (so 6 points for 29 over), but an automatic ban for 30+ over the limit.

So if I’d gone through that camera at motorway speeds then I’d be out of work about now :frowning:

If dealt with out of court it’s just 3 points and £60 fine.

Hmm. Need to slow down some more then. According to the ABD website (www.abd.org.uk) the camera is pointing towards Oundle. So that would make it a forward facing camera that I drove into, which would explain why the NIP came marked as “Veh Reg MAN” when it was a MAN truck I was driving, with, as far as I can remember, the truck livery also on the front above that. I thought that road was of the type that was not a problem for speeders, but re reading the ABD website they are more now as a money making machine than much else.

As far as I can see it is my fault and as such, despite this 14 day rule, I am not this time going to go “not guilty” on it as I was guilty and the GPS logs I have show I averaged a nice normal HGV speed along most of that road. I do remember I had been in Peterborough for 6am that morning, finished about 10ish and was on my way back home :frowning: Drat.

Thanks for the helpfull suggestions.

I find it funny that they ticket you for being only 7 mph over the speed limit. The standard here is 10… because speedometers have a standard accuracy variance of about 5 mph… so they give ya the benefit of the doubt. Seems they’re really tough on you guys over there.

I know just how you feel. I got caught back in October last year but didn’t hear about it until Feb this year. Coming off the flyover on the Clive Sullivan way on my way out of Hull some spotty oik had positioned himself in a car park and was getting the trucks 50 yards before the National Speed Limit applies sign. (@46)

I filled out the NIP and sent it with my licence and a begging letter to go on their speed awareness course. I signed the letter but not the NIP :wink:

A couple of weeks later I noticed from by bank statement that the fine had been taken out and then refunded. I waited a month or so but heard noting from the scamera partnership.

So I sent them another letter telling them “that I thought I had been accepted on the course but didn’t know the dates. :confused: They wrote back to me telling me that they decided not to go any further and dropped it. :slight_smile:

A couple of days later my licence turned up with a note saying I needed to sign the NIP might not work but it’s worth a try

When we came over on our 2nd from last visit we rented a car from Avis at Heathrow and had to be in Towcester within an hour and a half, I drove up the M40 to the A43, then east, I passed through a GATSO at 30mph over the limit and got snapped, then on the return got snapped again, nothing was done because I rented the car using my US driving licence and kepy my UK licence in my wallet.

Get a US mailing address :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i do feel sorry for you though and think you should fight it all you can. Find any loophole. :exclamation:

not signing the nip loophole has now been closed as of a couple of months ago sorry marlow :imp: