...Nova, IR35, etc

Ok this topic again. Most of us have read or heard about Novas announcement. Without quoting it word for word basically the law is changing in April and they will no longer be able to offer the same service. Now there are many more similar ‘service’ companies, Maddison and Portstaff Management (PML) being two examples. They all operate in a slightly different way, with one you are a director, with another you are a shareholder etc. I don’t know exactly how they differ but they do although as far as a driver is concerned the outcome is similar. I’m with PML, when i heard Novas announcement i thought that if the law has changed then it would affect me too. I contacted PML via email as i usually do once a week anyway and asked a simple question…“Given Novas recent announcement which i’m sure you will of heard about are there going to be any changes that affect how we operate?” That was on the 26th March. No reply to date. I spoke to a friend of mine who is also with PML and has several friends with Nova, he tells me a friend of his has spoken to PML and everything is fine there are no proposed changes for us they are going to send a letter to his agency and the agency will have the drivers in one by one and explain all to them. I contacted my agent Monday and asked if they know anything. “yes Nova is finishing they have been investigated by the tax man and things whern’t as they should of been etc. all the Nova guys are going over to PML. We’ll send you a letter out this week explaining any changes but basically everything is staying the same with a few minor changes”.
Now a few things spring to my mind. The first being Nova being investigated. If Nova had done anything wrong then they wouldn’t be trading, as it is they have announced the end of the scheme at a date, thats seems fair and above board to me. The second thing is, if PML is not changing (much) why have they not contacted me by letter/email/phone to tell me, and why is my agency going to brief me on my relationship with my management company? Why is another agency briefing drivers on their changing relationship with PML and not PML themselves? Thirdly ! Surely if its easy for PML to carry on almost as is (apparently), then Nova would do the same? As it is Nova have already explained that they can’t. I suppose ultimatley you are responsible for your own actions and as such i find it hard to listen to any of them with vested interests telling you what they want you to know, or not know. An agency which is a limited company could close and have the same staff in the office the next day under a different name, a management company could say ‘we never gave you any advice, we go on your instructions’ and you would be left in the ■■■■.
Now there’s at least a couple of accountants and some driver recruitment people read here any of you know exactly whats what or anyone got a bona fide link to the proposed changes in the legislation? I only had a quick search about as time is limited i’ve been on nights.
I’ll post back when i get my letter, lets see what it says.


I don’t get it. Why do people continue to throw money away using these glorified accounts? Is it out of simple laziness that they can’t be arsed picking up the phone, dialling HMRC and saying “hello, I’m here to register as self-employed” or just sheer stupidity?

Everyone knows someone who knows someone that’s an accountant and will do your books and save you a fortune in tax all for princely sum of a couple of hundred quid per year so why do people like Mike-C insist on throwing £25 per week at these “management” companies that don’t do anything vaguely like “managing”. I really do hope that HMRC does launch a huge investigation into all of these composite/umbrella “tax-dodge” companies and send people like Mike-C a nice fat red juicy letter demanding the umpteen thousand pounds of “dodged” tax in the next seven days and if you can’t pay it how about a nice short spell in one of HMs Finest?


I don’t get it. Why do people continue to throw money away using these glorified accounts? Is it out of simple laziness that they can’t be arsed picking up the phone, dialling HMRC and saying “hello, I’m here to register as self-employed” or just sheer stupidity?

I’ll explain it to you then. You usually get three choices
[1] PAYE
[2] ‘Self employed’ through a company they know ie. Nova
[3] The door

Everyone knows someone who knows someone that’s an accountant and will do your books and save you a fortune in tax all for princely sum of a couple of hundred quid per year so why do people like Mike-C insist on throwing £25 per week at these “management” companies that don’t do anything vaguely like “managing”.

I can and have done my own accounts for years and also have had the pleasure of doing VAT returns, i am capable of doing accounts and don’t need an accountant. I also very much doubt that ‘everyone knows someone who is an accountant’, you’re having a laugh arn’t you?

I really do hope that HMRC does launch a huge investigation into all of these composite/umbrella “tax-dodge” companies and send people like Mike-C a nice fat red juicy letter demanding the umpteen thousand pounds of “dodged” tax in the next seven days and if you can’t pay it how about a nice short spell in one of HMs Finest?

Thats been done, thats why there was a consultation over IR35 schemes, thats why they have changed the law, thats why i’m asking how the law has changed exactly. Anything else you want to get of your chest speedy or anymore things you don’t understand?
I see from your recent posts that there is a lot of things you don’t know ranging from how to get a .jpeg to work, through who takes shell cards to how much is it to stay in MSA’s.Keep reading these boards Speedy, you might learn something just like me.

Mike I thought you were in favour of bringing RobK back :question:

I think youv`e got his brother :exclamation:

Can`t help you out with Nova PAYE myself

have no problem yet.got a form i signet and sent back,=all i did
ok,work for many agencies and comanies,and had one who refused all i like and did over a accountant at isle of man.took £60.-/Week from my Money and Tax must i still do myself.
OK,sent it to my Accountantcompany and they did it,for xtra Pay.