IF there is a shortage of drivers (there aint) sort the cluster ■■■■ of an industry out to make it more attractive to potential candidate drivers, and to stop ‘proper’ drivers calling it a day.
The present t.s & c.s in the job are not an incentive or an attraction, they are a reason to avoid it.
Who in their right minds WANTS to work in excess of 70 hours a week, with minimal rests, just to earn a HALF decent wage…with all the aggravation and b/s managrment ways going on in the background?
Then there is the pi55 poor infrastructure on the roads in terms of facilities amd overnight parking compared to past times.
It was promised last time they started all this b/s when it was no1 item on msm.
If there actually is a shortage of drivers it’s more in the context of more ‘steerers’ than drivers.
its all the companies that want to employ the cheap labour crying they cant get drivers and all the woke lefties lap it up and report it. Put in the mix all the bridge bashing so they get sacked (in theory) or the toting up of points so they go back home get a different license and come back and start again never improving. then the same companies shout driver shortage because they have sacked half their staff rather than paying a reasonable wage for a reasonable days work.
Not wishing to know where you work but do you have childish posters stuck all over the walls of your office with lorries cant limbo. or signs saying this person is responsable for health and safety stuck on mirrors… im guessing not
A Southhampton/Felixstowe container company , part owned by the big Suffolk haulier
And no we don’t have any of those type of DHL, XPO , ETC posters in office
Those signs on mirrors saying “you’re looking at the person responsible for your health and safety” make me laugh.
I’ll take my responsibility, and choose not to wear my high viz, but instead exercise vigilance when I’m in the yard. Sorry, what’s that you say? Disciplinary?
i had someone shouting at me once because i wasnt wearing a waterproof jacket when it was raining. I wasnt in company uniform because i was agency but still they guy thought i should of been wearing their uniform
I shouted across our yard once(in front of about 20 other drivers) to one of our directors when he walked across the yard from his car with no hi-viz! 'course I waited 'til he was nearly at the office door and he had to do the walk of shame back to his car, apologising profusely
Went arco in hull once was told yellow hiviz is no good had be blue if I remember correctly. Said don’t have one after lot of arguments security fella lent me one.
Was told drivers visitors blue workers yellow management red etc. who cares a hi viz is a hi viz.
Welcome up with the rules same as wearing a hardhat in a yard then told stand on the naughty corner where nothing could possibly fall on your head
And don’t get me started on office staff who can walk around the warehouse in shoes and high heels.
Translates as supermarkets have put the best trunking work on rail and expect drivers to take what’s left.Including drivers expected to sort out suitable non motorway routing for stupid height trucks to save on truck length.
While the government wants to use it as a pretext to open the borders to imported labour to collapse wage levels.
Continually pushing the driver shortage propaganda is meant to attract more new drivers to artificially affect the normal supply-demand, subsequently lowering the cost of wages.