ricky brunstrom, ACPO chief pocket-shuffler and head of north walesceistershire constabulary has, after 5 years of pushing for cameras on every road, in lamp-posts and cats-eyes (I kid you not) - has decided that cameras don’t work well enough, and there should be no more.
apparently they only reduce fatalities by about 10% and in some sites there’s no change or its worse.
They’ve discovered that speed-triggered signs that flash the limit up at you, or hazard signs, or even your speed (and on prototypes your reg number and speed) reduce accidents and fatalities by up to a third.
and they cost about a fifth to install.
so the cost in deaths is lower, the cost to install is lower, but no revenue.
I wonder how many supposed safety partnerships follow this new path for safety’s sake, and live up to their titles - or instead how many live up to reputation instead and continue as a self-perpetuating revenue generator.