Not really necessary is it

So I was in a layby on the A38 just outside Wellington, Devon (j26 M5) yesterday and I decided I wanted to touch up the polish on my tanks. I know lots get slack for polishing their wagon but I like it to look nice at least. When I notice behind me the 2 drivers from the same big(ish) container firm get out and start staring at me and chuckling to themselves. I sort of ignored it for a little bit but I decided why do I put up with this [zb] from some other drivers out there? I ask “Got a problem” and they reply with “don’t bother polishing it, theres a puddle there for us to ruin it in a bit”. - Where they walk off chuckling to themselves.

I have no problem with people having an opinion but keep it to yourself as I really don’t care. So what If i like to touch up my wagon to make it look atleast decent in my eyes. I’m not one for taking my own truck to truckshows and that but I certainly do appreciate the time some wagon drivers put into their units on a daily basis.

A question for you fellow clean freaks, do you get this crap too or is it just me? because I’m fairly young in age compared to some


So do you get this crap too


Must just be you shag. I smear my crap all over the unit in public and no one says anything to me!

Michael Douglas:

So do you get this crap too


Must just be you shag. I smear my crap all over the unit in public and no one says anything to me!

Its not like it happens on a daily basis just couple of times a month. I blame the number 16 on my numberplate personally :wink:

I think a cup of cement is required mate! :wink:

I suspect Peterm will finish that comment off for me… :smiley:

It’s better to drive a minging truck, so much easier to maintain standards.

Take no notice, anything they say to me i’ve heard a hundred times before and it never affected me then either.

You could steer the discussion round to salaries or hourly rates, that usually shuts 'em up.

Was the puddle from your tears? Think you need to purchase a thicker skin there princess.

Sounds like they’ve made a joke, and you’re bottom lip started to tremble :laughing:
Best grow pair if you have the intention of staying in this industry if that’s going to upset you.

Didn’t have you down as a ’ dirty protest ’ chap MD!!

What are you protesting about? I want to join in.

Didn’t bother me past that really but it was a nice example. I’m young but i’ve worked hard enough to run my own motor and survive much better than I did than working for poxy companies around here. I don’t really see what wrong with me keeping my wagon clean and tidy. If it bothers you dont bother commenting about it.

My bottom lip wasn’t trembling but I think it would have been if they ruined my nice shiny tanks :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Didn’t bother me past that really but it was a nice example. I’m young but i’ve worked hard enough to run my own motor and survive much better than I did than working for poxy companies around here. I don’t really see what wrong with me keeping my wagon clean and tidy. If it bothers you dont bother commenting about it.

My bottom lip wasn’t trembling but I think it would have been if they ruined my nice shiny tanks :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You have to remember that we coffin-dodgers are very bitter and cynical about those who put in twice as much effort for half the wages we were earning when we were your age. :wink:

Wellington’s in Somerset, not Devon.

Wellington’s in Somerset, not Devon.

Sorry, my mistake :laughing: :laughing: