not pc jokes

The latest club craze is to fill a woman’s ■■■■■■ with vodka and then ■■■■ it out using a straw. Doctors are warning about the dangers of ■■■■■ drinking!!!

A farmer in Devon has made history by growing a field of ■■■■■■! Unfortunately he’s had a lot of trouble with squatters!

85% of Liverpudlian males say they enjoy ■■■ in the shower… The other 15% haven’t been to prison yet!

Just bought a racehorse called ‘My Face’, It may not be any good but I can’t wait to hear all the women in the crowd screaming 'come on … .My face

I’ve just been 2 my first Muslim birthday party! Musical chairs was a bit slow but [zb] me pass the parcel was fast!

I dunno what all the fuss is about this shark coming to Cornwall . It’s the first thing in ages that’s tried to get in this country that’s [zb] white !!

2 Irish couples decide to swap partners. Afterwards Paddy said to Murphy that’s the best [zb] I’ve ever had, I wonder how the girls got on ?

If mothers Celebrate mothers day, fathers celebrate fathers day, lovers celebrate valentines day, do ■■■■■■■ celebrate palm Sunday?

Paddy weighs 20st, so his doctor puts him on a diet. ‘I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day and repeat this for 2 weeks, you should loose 5lbs.’ When Paddy returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost 4st. ‘That?S amazing the doc said’…Paddy nodded…‘I’ll tell you be Jesus, I taut I was gonna drop dead by DA 3rd day.’ ‘What from hunger said the doc?’…‘No from the [zb] skipping!’


Just popped home, caught the plumber with his ■■■■ in the dog! Can’t believe the police won’t do anything! They said the [zb] was corgi registered

Are you available to come to a charity pancake competition on Shrove Tuesday? The organisers have the pans and the ingredients they just need a ■■■■■■.

5 language edits :unamused: …colingl

suprised it aint been removed by you know who.

5 language edits, is that a record? If it is im gonna break it :laughing:

5 language edits, is that a record? If it is im gonna break it :laughing:

they’ve nowt better to do the sad bar stewards.

Here is a link for you please take the time to have a look
these are what you agreed to when you joined if you don’t like the rules then go somewhere else where you can post what you like

im surprised by some of the jokes still there and not edited. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Let’s be fair lads, the mod’s on this website do a great job.
If it wasn’t for them and the amount of time that they put in some people would come on here and write all kinds of offensive crap.
I am sure that you would not want to spoil it for everybody.
Have a nice Christmas.

I do try and keep my within the rules but i copy and paste sometimes and miss the banned words, I did put stars as well but they are not allowed also

I do try and keep my within the rules but i copy and paste sometimes and miss the banned words, I did put stars as well but they are not allowed also

Then the easiest answer if you are not sure is to e-mail or pm it to the forum mods and we will tell you either yes or no

I have to agree with mushroomman, the Mods do a great job and IMHO get some completely unwarranted stick…

So how should we avoid being ‘modded’ ■■

:bulb: Good point about stuff that’s copied and pasted bubsy06, but if you use the ‘preview’ feature (free unlimited use :wink: ) before submitting your message, you might see some {ZBs,} then you might re-edit and a use word with similar meaning that the auto-censor doesn’t mind. :wink:
Then press ‘submit.’

There are sites that don’t mind swearing, but as mrs mix says: “not here.” :grimacing:

…after all, 'tis written in the rules and we all agreed to this when we signed up. :smiley:

i apologise unreservedly for any offence i might have caused by the posting of the jokes on this thread.

it was not my intention