Not Five minutes apart

Well there’s an interesting morning!

I was delivering up an industrial estate, and had a bit of a wander over to the cafe, on my way back and another driver pulls up in a tatty Scania 113, winds his window down and in a reasonably thick Polish accent “Excuse me, you know where the office is please?”

So I tell him its just over there, and there’s room to park in the car park of the shutdown office block opposite while he books in, and there’s a coffee machine in the building next door, no toilet but the cafe over the road has one.

He says thank you very much and potters off to park up quite content.

3 minutes later another driver comes round the corner and I’m just idling about in the only patch of sun I can find with a drink. Now this man is different, got a nice 56 plate Volvo, very tidy, obviously just washed and his load neatly strapped down, “here’s a professional driver I thought”

He pulls up alongside me, winds the window down about an inch (literally) and mumbles something to me.

“Sorry mate I didn’t hear you”

He winds down his window a bit more and comes back with “Oh for gods sake, are you deaf or something, I said where do I put this load?”

So I tell him that I don’t work here I’m just delivering like he is, I say the office is over there where they’ll give you your paperwork and tell you where to tip, there’s spaces to park over the road in the old office block carpark while you book in, there’s coffee in the building next door and a loo in the cafe if he needs it.

Obviously I’ve just told him his mother sleeps with elves and sells her wobbly bits in return for hot chocolate as he couldn’t possibly be more offended.

“Did I ask where to ■■■■■■ park, or where I can get a coffee, I don’t want to go into the office and get messed around I just came here to dump this load and I don’t want no hassle”

Trying to keep my cool as I really don’t understand his problem, I say once more that I don’t work here and the office is over there.

He grunts and goes off to park where I suggested, next to the Pole who is just getting back in and going over to tip. Nice Mr Pole even gives me a wave as he see’s me watching the grumpy Brit park.

So 10 mins later I’m on my way and what do I see but the grumpy guy blocking the road with his lorry, not even a small car can get past the way he’s parked.
He’s in his cab and obviously in some difficulty, in his rush to get in and tipped he has gone round the industrial estate the wrong way and rather than doing a full circle (which would probably take about 45 seconds) he’s half trying to reverse into a little alley between two units, and half trying to reverse back round, I’m not sure which.

He see’s me and says “Thanks for the ■■■■■■ help mate, if i’d just gone straight into the yard without all the fannying about I wouldn’t be blocking your way would I”

I ignore the comment and says he can take as long as he likes, and would he like me to direct him back if he wants to turn round?

“eff it, I’m going to have to go all the way round the block now and waste more time because you are blocking my way so I can’t reverse”

  • “I would reverse but there is no room to now and there are quite a few cars behind me, better luck next time round”

He drives off and so do I, finally clearing the backlog of vehicles that’s accumulated while he’s been messing around. Everyone, presumably, happy.

Now of course not every driver is like this, he’s the only bar steward I met all day, but It just goes to show that there’s no use judging a driver by his nationality or appearance.

Sorry for going on a bit, just thought I’d share my morning!


Obviously I’ve just told him his mother sleeps with elves and sells her wobbly bits in return for hot chocolate

I take it you know her then?

Seriously though,it just proves the old saying,‘Never judge a book by it’s cover.’


Sounds like these two drivers were poles apart. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Sounds like these two drivers were poles apart. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:




Sounds like these two drivers were poles apart. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:



Aw c’mon. It’s early and I’m not well. :stuck_out_tongue:

The joke was okay Coffee, but perhaps a bit more polish would give it a better finish. :smiley:

The joke was okay Coffee, but perhaps a bit more polish would give it a better finish. :smiley:

You want some of this tumbleweed? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

Thanks coffee :slight_smile:

[zb] 3 pts 60 quid

M1 southbound nr Woodhall

Knew the bugger was somewhere else as well as the phone thread. L. :wink:

[zb] 3 pts 60 quid

M1 southbound nr Woodhall

Talking of lost drivers FPMSL :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously though,it just proves the old saying,‘Never judge a book by it’s cover.’


:open_mouth: bloody HELL - thats from one of the most prejudiced people on this board, italians can’t drive etc etc :confused:

I’m not prejudiced,I just hate everyone.
:laughing: :laughing:


He winds down his window a bit more and comes back with “Oh for gods sake, are you deaf or something, I said where do I put this load?”

I consider myself to be a very well mannered person but he would of lost me after a remark like that! I would of told him to work it out himself, let alone trying help the rude pillock.

I admire the way you kept your cool and still tried to help, but unfortunately your kindness was wasted on that knob!


Maybe the guy had ■■■ the night before, and his “arse was still sore” :unamused: :confused:

One was just a Pole, the other was a thick Plank

Sorry mate - I dunno nuffink :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Wheel Nut:
One was just a Pole, the other was a thick Plank

That seems a tad unfair to planks. :stuck_out_tongue:


He winds down his window a bit more and comes back with “Oh for gods sake, are you deaf or something, I said where do I put this load?”

I consider myself to be a very well mannered person but he would of lost me after a remark like that! I would of told him to work it out himself, let alone trying help the rude pillock.

I admire the way you kept your cool and still tried to help, but unfortunately your kindness was wasted on that knob!

DITO, think i might have offered him a lift out the cab at that point !
cheaky so in so .once you point out that you DONT WORK THERE that should have been the clue to say thanks and go figure it out for him self !

We have those “know it alls” over here too. Usually in eucon volvos with laois plates. :angry: