(Not) Expert( at all) experience

A Taster of working for expert logistics,( 2 man crew)
1-Any damage to the van drivers share the cost of damages up to 3 grand
2- Any damage to other vehicles drivers cover the full cost of any damages
3-Any damage to the load the drivers pay the full cost,
4- Any damage to a customers house while taking an item in the driver pays the full cost
5-Any leaks from installed washing machines the drivers pay the full cost to cover flood damage
6-Instant £100 fine if their private snooper photographs the back of the van left open whilst in a customers house. must be padlocked .
7-Instant £100 if sat nav is left on display whilst in a customers house and the private snoopers is on your,e tail
8- fail to report to work £50 per man fine
9- Fall behind with your,e load and assistance is sent to bail you out £50 per man costs

Their is more of the above as well .
After dealing with that above be prepared for 16-17 hour days paying £120 .
Training from people who have 3 weeks experience themselves
unable to find address and dealing with lots a snotty customers
knocking on doors at 9pm to say hi we are here to fit this washing machine,
be careful

I looked into and was accepted into this ‘scheme’ around 20 years ago but never accepted the offer.

At the time the pay structure was different and it would have been possible to make good money on the right runs,and some did, but the conditions and workload were simply not sustainable.

No guarantees but you had to provide a crew when needed, I think that some people became mini bosses and recruited their own crews, taking a slice off the top.

The whole scheme stank of exploitation and the last I heard, which was a long time ago, the scheme was being investigated by HMRC as sham self employment.

I think you are well out of it.

My brother in law did this for a while on agency, he asked me if I wanted to go and ‘crew’ with him and I told him that he was better off on agency.

He stuck on agency for another few weeks, then joined someone elses crew, lasted a week, if it could go wrong it did, car broke down 1 day, there was damaged goods loaded into the truck that they didn’t realise until they were at the customers premises, parking ticket delivering to a flat in a city centre etc, and by the end of the week he was told that his earnings would be close to zilch.

Sounds terrible, worst I’ve heard of. I’d be interested if there was ever a VOSA inspection or if any of you get pulled with 7 hour daily rests…

My brother in law did this for a while on agency, he asked me if I wanted to go and ‘crew’ with him and I told him that he was better off on agency.

He stuck on agency for another few weeks, then joined someone elses crew, lasted a week, if it could go wrong it did, car broke down 1 day, there was damaged goods loaded into the truck that they didn’t realise until they were at the customers premises, parking ticket delivering to a flat in a city centre etc, and by the end of the week he was told that his earnings would be close to zilch.

All sounds about right, it was a total and utter sham,

I looked into and was accepted into this ‘scheme’ around 20 years ago but never accepted the offer.

At the time the pay structure was different and it would have been possible to make good money on the right runs,and some did, but the conditions and workload were simply not sustainable.

No guarantees but you had to provide a crew when needed, I think that some people became mini bosses and recruited their own crews, taking a slice off the top.

The whole scheme stank of exploitation and the last I heard, which was a long time ago, the scheme was being investigated by HMRC as sham self employment.

I think you are well out of it.

All so very true

Sounds terrible, worst I’ve heard of. I’d be interested if there was ever a VOSA inspection or if any of you get pulled with 7 hour daily rests…

they got around it with 2 man crews,


Sounds terrible, worst I’ve heard of. I’d be interested if there was ever a VOSA inspection or if any of you get pulled with 7 hour daily rests…

they got around it with 2 man crews,

2 man crews still require 9hrs daily rest - but it is based on a 30hr ‘day’ instead of 24hr day like single man.

ie, start at 4am, you must have completed all your work AND your 9hrs daily rest by 10am the next day - so can be on duty for 21hrs :open_mouth:

Used to be 22hrs and 8hrs rest :open_mouth:

I wouldn’t do any work with two man crews, as that usually equates to heavy lifting and unsocial hours in residential areas.

The firm mentioned sounds real peachy though. Where do we apply…? :smiley:

It won’t be long until some outfits just cut the crap and say it:

Driver wanted £7.68 per day. No, that’s not a mis-print, that’s the rate and if you accept it, you’ve got to buy yourself out of the contract you’ve signed.
Must be prepared to net pay us to work for us.
Must pay all our people their cut out of wages paid by you to us. This will double what you owe us all week.
APR 5459.9%

FREE access to a debt management company (also run by us) in your own off-duty hours.

If this is the job running out of that big warehouse in Crewe then I think word got round locally very quickly that it was a ■■■■-take. They tried to dress it up with a promise of ‘earn £50k with us’ but conveniently didn’t mention that was per two-man crew, not per person…!

What I have seen of their drivers’ standards, Expert take any idiot they can get.

FFS, I applied to work for expert logistics in Larkhall, few months ago, never got a reply… Thank God :grimacing:

Why would anyone ever accept a job with those conditions looming over your head? Locking the vehicle and keeping valuables obscured from view makes sense but not worthy of a £100 penalty

Can they not be reported to trading standards or summat’ similar? I bet half the employees don’t realise what they’re getting themselves into. The CO’s need a nice jail sentence if you ask me.

I once had those guys deliver a washing machine to me.As I am a driver they were offered a cup of tea They told me that they had been to Skye that day ,I stay in Perthshire and they were going home to Bolton.There van was a wreck so I hope that they got back all right.

This firm have been around a long time, maybe more than the 20 years I mentioned previously, they seem to keep getting away with it somehow.

Perhaps the firm itself covers its arse by using subcontract/self employed labour and when they have a problem they simply find someone new.
Just a theory but my advice would be to steer well clear.

Olog Hai:
If this is the job running out of that big warehouse in Crewe then I think word got round locally very quickly that it was a ■■■■-take. They tried to dress it up with a promise of ‘earn £50k with us’ but conveniently didn’t mention that was per two-man crew, not per person…! Thats the place Pal

FFS, I applied to work for expert logistics in Larkhall, few months ago, never got a reply… Thank God :grimacing:

they rang us after months of waiting, you will be on the list for sure, its just a matter of when the next crew pack in they make the next call

Why would anyone ever accept a job with those conditions looming over your head? Locking the vehicle and keeping valuables obscured from view makes sense but not worthy of a £100 penalty

Can they not be reported to trading standards or summat’ similar? I bet half the employees don’t realise what they’re getting themselves into. The CO’s need a nice jail sentence if you ask me.

most don’t until a few weeks into it