No contract, I only went to the yard once. Everything was done on a handshake and agreed on the phone. I worked away for 3 weeks and never saw them again. I went home for a weekend and got an e-mail saying they were calling it a day. So I then questioned money delivery and was told 2 different dates, both passed!

What do you mean calling it a day? Folding their business or calling it a day on that particular job and or calling it a day on you?

Wipe Your mouth of it & move on they sound like a waste of space anyway, too many fly by nights out there. Bring back some proper regulation permits etc & it will be the end of all these chancers.

I was meant to be sharing a truck. I do one week, a partner in the company one week etc…With supposed “alternate” weekends off. I was in the truck for 3 weeks on the trot and got 1 Saturday off. I had a delivery to Plymouth so naturally went home from there in the truck, being as I live in Devon. I was told when I rang in for work the next day. “Oh stay home have your 2 days off there!” That wasn’t the agreed deal we had but I did it. (I never complained to them by the way.)

Went back to work, did 8 straight days and came home when done the next available weekend. I rang in on the Monday asking what I was on and was told to sit tight. Next day got an e-mail saying they calling it a day. So I started the ball rolling re wages, hence this thread.

If a limited company goes bust, good luck getting paid, although isn’t their a government scheme to compensate workers of firms that go bust?

Since when has that been law?? the law is the agreed terms.

That is contractual law and is only enforceable in civil court.

How to do it the proper way:

  1. Send a final demand with a Statement of Account giving them 7 days to pay.

  2. When they don’t pay, send a “letter before action” giving them 5 working days to pay otherwise you may take court action to recover the money. In the letter state that only bank transfer and cash are acceptable methods of payment.

  3. On Day 6 and without any further contact go to and file an online claim with the small claims court.

  4. Once you’ve won and got the county court judgement, if they still don’t pay you go back to court to get an enforcement notice and this gets the bailiffs knocking on their door and seizing goods.

Although as Silver_Surfer says, if they’re Ltd and wound up then kiss goodbye to the money because you’ll be well down the list of creditors. If they told you they’ve been wound up though DO NOT TAKE THEIR WORD FOR IT. Look on Companies House to see if the company is still listed as active. You’d be surprised how many apparently wound up companies are.

although isn’t their a government scheme to compensate workers of firms that go bust?

That only protects employees on PAYE, not self employed.

This what we send out.

Before Proceedings under the County Courts Act

To the Chief Accountant/Financial Director


Your attention is called to the Statement of Account below, and despite repeated requests you are now informed that unless some arrangement for payment is made on or before Wednesday 7th September 2013, immediate proceedings will be taken against you in the county court for the same, without further notice, and the court costs and interest will be added to your account.

Creditors Name and address


Bacs Details

Sort Code
Account No.


In the event of our having to issue a county court summons we shall be reluctantly forced to withdraw all credit facilities — Future transactions will be on a strictly cash basis.

By the time you get it sorted you will be lucky to break even, it will take money and time when you could be earning to get what you are owed.

As much as it pains me to say it, you are best off wiping your mouth and walking away.

It would be nice to be able to march round there and give someone a hiding and walk away with your bunce, but it won’t happen.

I’d recommend that you try and get on the council, you have the perfect attitude to be a council worker.

Or become a merchant banker, you are already in rhyming slang :laughing:

I’ll have to get my sides stitched first. Cos’ you are so funny… :wink:

When I used to drive on a casual basis self employed if a customer did not pay within the stated terms I used to write them a letter saying that I would be writing to VosA informing them that the company involved was in a poor financial state as it could not pay its bills.

I usually found the money was in my account the next day

Update…I have just had an e-mail asking to send my bank details.(AGAIN!) So after contacting a debt recovery company and telling the ex boss that I had done so this morning. Miraculously, looks like I will get my cash. Watch this space!

Right now, I am owed R 350,000.00 = ± 21000.00 sterling right now over 90 days. beat that one :cry:

Hiya …i went to cab office, i explaned to them the problem, they got me into a court hearing somthing about
work and unfair dissmisal(it was in 1980 so things have been forgotten)in Manchester. anyhow the owner of the
truck never turned up so i got 3 yeras redundency and my holiday pay their and then. they said they would get the
money back through his tax system. i was only in court 10 mins.good luck and do something quickley before he gets
in first.

that sounds like our mutual friend gs john , or have you been unlucky more than once ? .