Not allowed on your own trailer

Some depots do not allow drivers to climb up in their trailer for health and safety they say.
If I hurt myself and fall inside the trailer, that is not the depots problem.
When they have loaded the trailer, I can not climb on the load as some pallets are fragile and will get damaged.
The internal straps are trapped, so you leave
With an insecure load.

Ask for a ladder.

OR, carry your own.

I had this once, I just asked "how do you expect me to get the forklift truck off my wagon then?
Shuts them up usually, even had one place ask if I could take the truck off around the corner :laughing:

Ask your boss to send them over a copy of your SSOW for accessing trailers (you have done one right?) :wink:

Failing that, last time that happened to me, I sat in the yard waiting till they asked why I hadn’t left. My reply is that they would be responsible for my insecure load as they refused me access to secure it, sign here please sir. Load strapped - off you go.


Whilst on their premises they have a duty of care. It won’t matter what your company policy or rules are their rules trump any other rules

B & Q in cambuslang don’t allow you in your trailer. I’ve seen them knock back loads that have arrived in a box trailer before.

Also Amazon in Gourock won’t let you in the back of your trailer either. If you need to sort anything out in your trailer, like sort your straps or fix a dodgy pallet, they send you back out onto the street to do it. Not allowed to do it while on their premises.

A building site we go in Liverpool won’t let you on to the trailer until they put safety mats around it, which takes ages apparently, so its easier to just load and strap the trailer up so it can be sorted at the tip from ground level.
This site is so health and safety mad, that all the teleloaders have to have a banksman at all times.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

It’s a sad world where one of us can’t get up on a trailer safely, and carry out whatever you need to do.

I had it at a Wilmot Dixon site. I had 26 bulk bags of bark, for said site. The health a safety man said I couldn’t do it on site so I did out on the road opposite the entrance and deposited all the bags very unhelpfully in the mouth of the entrance.

Next time I went back with the same load, I magically had a “dispensation” to get on the back of the body inside the site.

no doubt this could have changed,but at Tesco n.i when I had the misfortune to do some work out of there,then it was the other way around…I was told,that if any of the staff refused to go into the trailer to help me quoting the health and insanity insurance pish,then the store manager was to be informed that as the trailer was backed onto their loading bay,then the trailer effectively became an extension to the loading bay with the result,that they were in fact insured etc the same as if they were wandering around the yard and were required to enter the trailer if I wanted them to…also…it was my responsibility to ensure whatever cabbage came into the trailer to help me was wearing the proper safety gear as if they hurt themselves,then it could be deemed my responsibility for allowing them into the trailer unprotected …sad,but true…I stand to be corrected if this is now not the case,but it was a few years ago…

I once saw a Romanian driver on top of his corrosive tanker, wearing only flip flops, cut off Jeans for shorts and a wife beaters vest.
No goggles, hard hat or hiviz but he survived the day.

no doubt this could have changed,but at Tesco n.i when I had the misfortune to do some work out of there,then it was the other way around…I was told,that if any of the staff refused to go into the trailer to help me quoting the health and insanity insurance pish,then the store manager was to be informed that as the trailer was backed onto their loading bay,then the trailer effectively became an extension to the loading bay with the result,that they were in fact insured etc the same as if they were wandering around the yard and were required to enter the trailer if I wanted them to…also…it was my responsibility to ensure whatever cabbage came into the trailer to help me was wearing the proper safety gear as if they hurt themselves,then it could be deemed my responsibility for allowing them into the trailer unprotected …sad,but true…I stand to be corrected if this is now not the case,but it was a few years ago…

These are the instructions I had too. I used to enjoy telling the hurry-up managers who started grabbing cages because they wanted to get a quick turn around, to get off my trailer unless they had a pair of proper boots to put on.

I’m not allowed on my trailer. If I really really need to, I must ring my depot and ask permission.

What a load of bloody crap, OK for some elf an safety rules but that’s just ridiculous, wont be allowed to open the curtains next in case you get your hands dirty :unamused:

I would like to see how the H&S guys would suggest how to handball 2000 cartons without getting on the trailer!

Maybe aldi and lidl should adopt this policy and start employing wharehouse staff

The internal straps are trapped, so you leave
With an insecure load.

Thats an issue of your own making. You should pull them to the back of the trailer and have them hanging out the sides. On ours we have securing wires on the back corner posts to hold them up out of the way so you can load 26 pallets and not trap them.

I see your point about pulling the internals to the back and hang them from the side, but this depot does not allow drivers near the trailer until the fork lift driver has finished loading.
Then pull away and then strap it, but if you climb on the load, some items will get damaged.

At the end of the day Accidents cost money ! :unamused: :unamused:
Most places have no place to strap up -secure load ,steps ladders etc. just use common sense if it needs securing do it. :unamused: :unamused:

If anybody says move outside etc just tell them you need it in writing :unamused: they always back down!

If there,s no need to get on the trailer(working at height regs) do it from ground level. :unamused:

Cos when it goes ■■■■ up DRIVER gets it nobody else! :unamused:


The internal straps are trapped, so you leave
With an insecure load.

Thats an issue of your own making. You should pull them to the back of the trailer and have them hanging out the sides. On ours we have securing wires on the back corner posts to hold them up out of the way so you can load 26 pallets and not trap them.

Driving God
Driving God
Conor is a trucking God

to be honest its the same at st gobain but if the shunters load the trailer and the straps were trapped i would be pulling it round and asking for it to be loaded correctly, wont take too long before they make sure straps are free.

but i have had the same thing of your not allowed to get on the trailer, thought sod off got on and banged my sodding head. i didnt suffer brain damage or die so wasnt so bad, oh i didnt sue either as ■■■■ happens.