I am shortly to acquire a second hand truck that has a Northern Irish reg. (Three letters then four numbers). It’ll run between Shropshire and Manchester.
Is it a myth that it’s more likely to be pulled at the roadside by VOSA, or is there some truth in that? Not that I should worry about that of course, I run a pukka fleet. 
It’s not a myth.
Run it for 6 months on the Northern Irish plates, Then change them to UK plates.
See the difference.
I get pulled maybe 3times a week when doing UK work and mines on south Irish plates
I get pulled maybe 3times a week when doing UK work and mines on south Irish plates
There ya go a definitive answer. The last time I was pulled was in the 90’s and I’m on UK plates and I drive every day. I’ve often thought that I see a disproportionate amount of Irish boys getting pulled tbh.
You will be haunted by by VOSA (and others) on NI plates. I speak from experience of working for Dutch, Irish and NI firms. There are many many reasons which I won’t go into here, that NI plates are w*nker magnets (not just in the UK either). For every pull I got with NL or IRL plates, I got at least double with NI ones.
There’s obviously very sound reasons for VOSA to “pull” N.I. and Irish motors,can’t think what their reasons might be of course as the Paddy’s have always operated within the law,haven’t they ?
Typical of the answer I’d expect from you
As usual you are soooooooo perfect!!!
There’s obviously very sound reasons for VOSA to “pull” N.I. and Irish motors,can’t think what their reasons might be of course as the Paddy’s have always operated within the law,haven’t they ?
You scared to put the wire on her or something?
If you have your name on the cab and where you are from on the doors you should be ok, eg, J. Bloggs Haulage, Shropshire, England.
I drove a 144 on Northern Irish plates (boss bought them as ‘private plates’) on the side of cab it said where he was from (Suffolk, England)and i never had a problem, in fact all 5 of his trucks were on N.I plates and never had a problem with regards to the number plates.
You might be ok but you probably won’t. Vosa do pull irish lorries, both north and south regd, all the time. We are lucky to get through without being stopped. Hands up though, history should show that it was once deserved. Not so much anymore though, or at least not for the big companies over here. As has been said above, if your putting name on the door you might not be too bad. Depends on the routes too.
There’s obviously very sound reasons for VOSA to “pull” N.I. and Irish motors,can’t think what their reasons might be of course as the Paddy’s have always operated within the law,haven’t they ?
Lol check the legal pages of any of the trucking mags plenty of GB firms getting licences revoked and up in front of TC,s the difference being we are pulled regularly at the roadside I am sure if you were in Stafford, Holyhead or Castle Kennedy on a regular basis you would be caught out. Not long ago saw an English operator in Holyhead getting taken apart by VOSA probably thought he would never be pulled in there because they only pull “Paddys” there.
the fub:
Typical of the answer I’d expect from you
As usual you are soooooooo perfect!!!
If the cap fits “fub” you have to wear it,but at least we never,ever,ran bent I wonder how many operators from “The Emerald Isles” can put their hands on their hearts and say the same. 
VOSA and the POlice are coming down hard on “foreign” operators, so where’s the suprise ?
VOSA and the POlice are coming down hard on “foreign” operators, so where’s the suprise ?
Try that line in any pub in Ballyclare.
the fub:
Typical of the answer I’d expect from you
As usual you are soooooooo perfect!!!
If the cap fits “fub” you have to wear it,but at least we never,ever,ran bent I wonder how many operators from “The Emerald Isles” can put their hands on their hearts and say the same. 
Are you 100% sure about that■■? I seem to remember you telling a story about how a ministry man was waiting to see you about your log book when you first started out
the fub:
the fub:
Typical of the answer I’d expect from you
As usual you are soooooooo perfect!!!
If the cap fits “fub” you have to wear it,but at least we never,ever,ran bent I wonder how many operators from “The Emerald Isles” can put their hands on their hearts and say the same. 
Are you 100% sure about that■■? I seem to remember you telling a story about how a ministry man was waiting to see you about your log book when you first started out
100% means 40 mph on all single track 50mph on all dual running bent is not just about going over your drive time how many on here can say they adhere to each and every rule at a guess I would say none there is no such thing as 99% legal you are either legal or bent just depends on whether you get caught
the fub:
the fub:
Typical of the answer I’d expect from you
As usual you are soooooooo perfect!!!
If the cap fits “fub” you have to wear it,but at least we never,ever,ran bent I wonder how many operators from “The Emerald Isles” can put their hands on their hearts and say the same. 
Are you 100% sure about that■■? I seem to remember you telling a story about how a ministry man was waiting to see you about your log book when you first started out
100% means 40 mph on all single track 50mph on all dual running bent is not just about going over your drive time how many on here can say they adhere to each and every rule at a guess I would say none there is no such thing as 99% legal you are either legal or bent just depends on whether you get caught
I’ll be totally honest and say I never ran or run 100%. Try my best to but i,ll admit I am far from perfect. Everybody makes mistakes 
the fub:
the fub:
Typical of the answer I’d expect from you
As usual you are soooooooo perfect!!!
If the cap fits “fub” you have to wear it,but at least we never,ever,ran bent I wonder how many operators from “The Emerald Isles” can put their hands on their hearts and say the same. 
Are you 100% sure about that■■? I seem to remember you telling a story about how a ministry man was waiting to see you about your log book when you first started out
I said “We” Fub,not “Me”,I’ll hold my hand up to a lot of “continuos operation and low flying” when I was a 21 year old O/D,but I never asked or expected my employees to “do as I did” previously.During over 25 years of employing drivers we were never prosecuted once for drivers records offences and we had many checks over the years.I hope this clears up the misunderstanding
Cheers Bewick.
I would think the police want to be trucker type would pull you more than vosa as vosa can see your score with out stopping you and can tell your from shropshire.